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I’m beginning to think I missed something big on the news. Something catastrophic in nature—like perhaps the planets have fallen out of alignment, or the gravitational pull of the moon has increased to the point it makes men and machines malfunction and go wacko. Like my computer, that was hacked by an unknown Russian entity,

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Woman of a certain age, Sue Burpee, gives us the rundown on why a black blazer is a wardrobe essential.
When we’re in the midst of a storm it’s often difficult to see past our worries and fears and find
Like many women who’ve had breast cancer, sometimes I think about why I’m still here. When I think about the
While trying to flee the heat this week I discovered a book of artistic photographs, each a true work of
Illusive Tarahumara Indians and their genitals and 10 hours to go 60 miles were nothing compared to the next part
Ten heart-stopping hours later, including a side trip to convince a woman to come back from the dead, we arrived
Did you know your nail technicians could be victims of modern day slavery? Some things to look for in the
I know something about depression, but I've never thought of suicide. If you ARE EVER FEELING DEPRESSED, ALONE, DESPONDENT, or

Many of my patients complain of pain in their knees when they stand up from a sitting position. It’s a

How many of us envision ourselves as a healthy, active professional when we’re 94-years-old? Before I met Lee Moczygemba, it

Pink is one of the hot colors for 2018, and it seems to have resonated with women of all ages.
Donna O'Klock has lived "down the road" from San Antonio for 40 years, but it wasn't until she stayed in
After years as one of the top covergirls and supermodels, Kim Alexis now wonders if many of us are working
What are some of the things you want? What are some things you need? I’ll go first, in no particular

I often find myself telling my patients what not to do, instead of what TO DO. Frankly it’s easier to

Before we learned the harmful effects of the sun, as kids, we played outside until the street lights came on.

Isn’t it funny how one thing leads to another, and the next thing you know, you’re off down the rabbit

When I was in my 20’s, a hand lettered sign on the checkout desk of an Austin, Texas, motel made