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An advance review of my book, Maya Blue A Memoir of Survival, said my life and death survival instincts are like Jason Bourne’s: I don’t hesitate and time and again, I do what’s necessary to survive. Like when I jumped from a second-story bathroom window, hoping the oak tree four feet away and its branches

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This year has taken many of us down the rabbit hole, and we are wondering when it will be safe

The other night I watched the classic 1959, film, The Diary of Anne Frank, the true story of seven people

Laura Munson’s new book, Willa’s Grove, is much more than a novel. It’s a map, a template with the potential

Dear Friends, This will be my last regular blog post for a while because I’m stepping away to work on

I was thinking about the 1975 song by Eric Carmen, “All By Myself,” where the refrain (over and over and

Serena Crawford is one of my favorite people because her curiosity and interests knows no bounds. I could tell you

I’ve been saying this a lot lately: “If you can’t see it, you can’t fix it.” Sometimes I get frustrated,

This week Jessi Combs, the “fastest woman on four wheels,” car fabricator and TV host of Mythbusters, died in what’s

“When people ask me why I seem so happy and find it so easy to laugh, I tell them my

I’ve always been comfortable being alone. Perhaps that’s because I was an only child and I’m good at entertaining myself,

I was never one of those kids who knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. Even now

Today is my birthday. I’m 25,550 days old, although many days I don’t feel a day over 9,125. This week

Lots of us have, and regularly use, some version of the Serenity Prayer. This is mine, short and sweet: Not

When I was in middle school I wore coke bottle glasses, braces on my teeth and my hair looked like

Not long ago I suggested to a friend, who is divorced and over 50, that she might try changing the

When I was a kid we seldom went to church unless my grandmother came to visit. I never went to

One of my favorite women is someone I’ve never met in-person. Until we spoke on the phone, I’ve known Sandra

It seems that even the Universe has adopted this modern business method. For those of you unfamiliar with the term,