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Endings and Beginnings

Yesterday I called a friend whose husband died two months ago after years of numerous and serious medical problems. When I asked how she was doing, she said, “I’m going to be candid with you. I’m relieved.” I understood, all too well, what she meant. I also wondered if there are those who might judge

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On the day we take our marriage vows it never occurs to us that another woman—with whom our husband promised

Last week a girlfriend told me about a group in San Antonio that’s looking for female mentors to help young

Instead of children I’ve always had dogs, sometimes three at a time. They’re my family. Annie and Lulu were eight

Our journey began early July, 2016. We went to a nearby RV park, in-spite of the ridiculous Texas heat and

In the last few weeks, two of my friends have lost their husbands to a serious illness. I've lost to
Quite a few people have suggested I write a book. While this isn't it, I have been jotting down some