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Two weeks ago I announced the giveaway of $1,500 worth of makeup. Chanel, Nars, Nikol Beauty, Laura Mercier, Chanel and more Chanel with a little more Chanel thrown-in for good luck. I put all the names in a spreadsheet and printed it, and then cut each name out with scissors, folded them and put them

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Do you have storage units that are costing you $$$$ every month? Here's how I got rid of four storage
My courtyard's been slow, coming together because I've been waiting for Annie and Lulu to get a little older... past
Once again, Donna O'Klock, our expert in RV lifestyles has some interesting stories about their RV park neighbors and what
Donna O'Klock, an expert in living in a 300-square-foot RV, gives us a humorous look at why you need to
If a lady orders something without its bun or bread, just know she’s giving something up. Can you at least
When I was in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago, I spent the afternoon with antiques importer and designer,

If only Deviled Eggs came from the Easter Bunny… Since they don’t, and the crucial ingredient is a Perfect Egg,*

Today is National Margarita Day. Considering my hometown—San Antonio, Texas—is renown for Margaritas and the best Tex-Mex food in the

“Hi diddly dee, an actors life for me. A high silk hat and a silver cane. A watch of gold

If you drink coffee, what kind of coffee machine/percolator do you use? If you're like Donna O'Klock, you may have

This time last year I took you on a video tour of the house I bought. That was the “Before.”

The season for fresh peaches is almost over, but if you can’t find any at your grocery or farm stand,

This recipe works great as a main meal, plus it uses one of my favorite fruits: mango! You have the

“I am the product of every kind of loss you can imagine, and I am stronger and smarter for it.”

From the time I was quite young and first read The Boxcar Children, the idea of living a very small

Considering my rocky start, it’s a wonder I’ve developed anything that could be considered style. In college my decor was

It was my friend Patrick who warned me about the dangers of theme decorating. I had regaled him with my

So who likes old things, please raise your hand. Me too! A few years ago, I decided to open a