Two weeks ago I announced the giveaway of $1,500 worth of makeup. Chanel, Nars, Nikol Beauty, Laura Mercier, Chanel and more Chanel with a little more Chanel thrown-in for good luck. I put all the names in a spreadsheet and printed it, and then cut each name out with scissors, folded them and put them in a glass bowl and drew one name out.
And the winner is…
This five-pound giveaway—weigh it and you’ll see that I’m right—is a treasure chest of quality, highly-pigments brands that for whatever reason, didn’t work for me, but I’m hoping they work for Marcia Holmes!
To claim your giveaway, Marcia Holmes, email me at and give me your full name and address and I will send it either via USPO or UPS, which ever one gives me the better rate for sending this treasure chest of beauty products.
Thank you all for reading and entering to win. I have more and different giveaways planned in the next month so stay tuned.
On another note… Pun intended.
My dear friend and #1 on Billboard’s music chart singer and songwriter, Kat Edmonson, has started a new tour this year, you can buy tickets here, and her new single, “Keep Movin’” is out today. (I was going to link to another blog I wrote about Kat, but like a number of blog posts, it’s not there. My web guru is updating the website and like last time, parts of the site are a little wonky right now, but she’s working on it.)

A few months ago Kat and I caught up with one another over a long afternoon phone call. I shared my memoir with her—some of my book she’s known about for years—and she told me about the news songs she’d been writing. Whether it’s writing a book or a song, the creative process is similar, and like me, Kat is a strong woman who advocates for herself.
Whether she’s performing on Austin City Limits, at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, a duet with Lyle Lovett, or a role in Woody Allen’s film, Café Society, Kat Edmonson has earned a cult-like status. Her new release is different from some of her other songs such as “Lucky,” “Long Way Home,” and “Way Down Low.” She wrote “Keep Movin’” as she grieved the death of her mother, who was also my friend and a fabulous jazz singer. As Kat said, “When you go through grief, it changes you no matter what kind of grief it is. You’re not the same person you were before it started.” This is a timely song for everyone who’s been affected by the tragic fires in Los Angeles.
I hope you’ll take a listen on Apple or Spotify and purchase it, and grab some tickets to her concert tour, January 30 thru March 9. On tour, Kat will be previewing some of the other songs she’s written, so I can’t wait to hear them and see her!
Where ever you are, I hope you stay warm and safe this coming week. It’s even going to be brutally cold here in South Texas.
12 thoughts on “AND THE MAKEUP WINNER IS”
Congratulations, Marcia! Not familiar with the music of Kat Edmonson but I will do some research and take a listen to her music.
It’s very cold here but the sun is shining which is rare. I feel like cocooning. Take care Brenda! xoxox
Hi Yvonne, It’s been in the 20s here in South Texas, which is unusual. One more night and supposedly we’re back to warmer temperatures. The sunshine is misleading, isn’t it? xoxox, Brenda
I just finished listening to ‘Keep Moving’ and ‘If you’re scared.’ Beautiful voice and I love the lyrics. Those two songs spoke to my heart. Thank you Brenda for the beautiful discovery of Kat ‘s music.
Yvonne, Listen to Kat Edmonson’s Just Like Heaven, Lucky (Coca-Cola purchased the rights to use this in their commercials for the Olympics), and Champagne is so fun! xoxox, Brenda
hmmm! You are in S. Texas? My old stompin’ grounds!
Neni, Yes, m’am! Where in South Texas were you? xoxo, Brenda
Congratulations Marcia!
Looking forward to discovering Kat’s music! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Beckye! xoxo, Brenda
Hi Brenda,
I wanted to say again what a fabulous idea of yours to do such a lovely give-a-way.
Congratulations Marcia Holmes. You are going to have so much fun playing with Brenda’s wonderful cosmetics. The Chanel products are so good. They are pricey, however so worth it.
Brenda, I have never heard of Kat Edmonson. I love music. I will listen to her soon. On a side note, she is a pretty lady.
How do you meet such interesting people? Did you meet her on the streets of NYC too!
Hope all is well with you. I understand why those men that came to do your install got you edgy and uncomfortable. You have been violated before and me too. I react like you do under certain situations.
Sending you understanding hugs.
Katherine, Yes, I’ve been violated before, but more than that: It’s made me hyperaware of my surroundings and honed my instincts. Meeting interesting people… They’re everywhere! We just have to be open to saying “hello” and starting a conversation… unless your instincts say otherwise. Some of my dearest friendships began with, “Hello. How’s your day been going?” And people will answer you back and just build from there. xoxox, Brenda
Good afternoon Brenda,
Regarding the appliance installers – I have some experience with the same thing you were dealing with. Your read of the situation seemed spot on to me. I’ll never forget the advice that a former FBI agent gave in her book about personal safety – TRUST YOUR GUT! About the comments section, I had to unsubscribe from another blog when the same person so unrelenting pushed her political views. I won’t be unsubscribing to your blog. You stood up for yourself in a very lady like way. I’m so looking forward to your book. Sending all my best.
Virginia, Instincts. Trust your gut. Absolutely! Everyone has those abilities, but most of us choose to ignore them. Big mistake! BTW, another reader sent me an email about the Venezualan gang members. This reader’s parents live in the Texas Hill Country and have had a bad experience with guys who have the same tattoos as the guys in my kitchen. Also, the same gang has taken over a big apartment complex half a mile from me. There are murders, stabbings, drug deals and sex trafficking going on there on a daily basis and residents are terrified. That whole part of my city is on edge. I’m thrilled you’re looking forward to reading my memoir! Thank you, sweet lady! Stay warm! xoxox, Brenda