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An advance review of my book, Maya Blue A Memoir of Survival, said my life and death survival instincts are like Jason Bourne’s: I don’t hesitate and time and again, I do what’s necessary to survive. Like when I jumped from a second-story bathroom window, hoping the oak tree four feet away and its branches

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Today I unpacked seven, cardboard wardrobe boxes that have been in storage for 10 years. I just thought it would

Three years ago I lost 18 pounds. In some circumstances this would be an exciting thing, but in my case

I’m a person who values the idea of having a margin. I like to have money in the bank, free

Today is my 60th birthday. As you read this, I may be laughing, or I may be crying. Hopefully the

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with disdain for myself. Those days when I can’t get out of my own way, I

Two weeks ago I moved back to New York City, just as Fashion Week was starting. It’s been years since

Change. It’s not always about big leaps of faith or turning life completely on its head. Sometimes the hardest changes

Do you know how to say “no?” If you’re like most women, you say “yes” way too often out of

I’m not sure hindsight is always 20/20, but it was for me. When I recently took a look at my

In recent weeks, I’ve been immersed in the Olympics, partly because I was excited to watch athletes from my country

Q – How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A – Just one. But it takes

Perhaps Ramborella should be one of the definitions of “woman.” Ramborella is a woman who goes to great lengths to

I love Caroline Leavitt’s novels. Not only are they very readable and filled with fully-rounded, memorable characters, but they also

I’ve been sailing many times. No, that’s not true: I’ve been sailed — passive voice — many times. I suspect

Many of you read my Big Life Changes post last week. I’ve decided to come out of my hiding, step

Several months ago, on the advice of some friends, I saw a well-known local medium. Either she was authentic, or

After writing two posts about how challenging it was to downsize and move, I wanted to write about how absolutely

Supermodel Kim Alexis has been in hiding while going through a divorce and finding out who the real Kim is.