Have you seen Joanna Gaines’s new TV series Magnolia Table? Like many of us I became besotted with Joanna and her practical, common sense, yet chic style on the Fixer Upper series she did with her adorable husband, Chip. Joanna’s new series, Magnolia Table, takes its name from their restaurant in Waco, Texas, as well as
In August of this year, 2016, I purchased one of what would become 2.8 million recalled Samsung, top-loading washing machines
Some years ago I had a most interesting and provocative dinner conversation at the Philadelphia Antiques show with table mate
I’ve discovered why people don’t live in their house while it’s being remodeled. As soon as the tarps are down
I just read there are four times more storage units in the United States than there are Starbucks. Since 1987,
In preparation for the move back into our newly renovated house, I’ve been coordinating the reduction of boxes and furniture
I love the interiors of New Orleans’ designer Tara Shaw. Tara has an effortless way of blending Old World pieces
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. No one’s more aware of this than those who’ve already been diagnosed with breast
When the Mr. and I were looking for a house to accommodate our blending families, I wanted there to be
I’m frustrated. It’s a wonder I’m not on the floor in the corner of a room somewhere, babbling to myself.
Who would have thought you can use your grandmother’s silver in the bathroom? Yes, the bathroom.
If I were to write a back-to-school paper about how I spent my summer vacation, it would chronicle my relentless
I bought a house from guys who’d watched too many episodes of Fixer Upper and thought they would renovate and
Two weeks ago I had an epiphany. A BIG one. Driving home from dinner with my girlfriends in San Antonio,
I’ve become obsessed with tiny houses lately. Tiny as in less than 300 square feet. I’ve lived in studio apartments
I don’t know about you but I am extremely sentimental. It warms my heart to see something that reminds me
Last week while dropping off my daughter at a friend’s house, we drove through the neighborhood where I was raised.
In our quest to further downsize so we can travel regularly, yesterday we moved in 100 degree heat. Today I