It’s no secret that I love music. My earliest musical memories are of my father, playing clarinet with a Dixieland Jazz band. When I was old enough he taught me how to set the needle down on a vinyl LP so I could listen to George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” on my parents’s record player.
For March’s book club, we’re discussing Abby Fabiaschi’s novel, I Liked My Life. It’s a beautiful examination of grief, marriage,
Whenever there’s a holiday approaching, television networks like to trot out a particular kind of film. Typically there’s a feisty
Will someone please explain to me why–and this is not a rhetorical question–smoke alarm batteries always fail in the middle
It was August, 1969. I was married to Adam Linter who managed a club called The Salvation, on 1 Sheridan
At an estate sale recently, a large baggie filled with yellow corn-on-the-cob holders caught my eye. The price was $1
Last week my husband and I went to a Blood, Sweat and Tears concert with friends we’ve known for over
Whether you’re acquiring art and objects for pure enjoyment or with an eye for investment; to begin a collection or
I was doing some end-of-year organizing in my office when I noticed a small, worn book that carried a big
Usually I like that I’m a solopreneur who works from home. The commute is great. I don’t need to put
I met all these wonderful people simply by choosing the right profession for myself as a makeup artist. The first
I’m excited to announce that we’re kicking off the 1010 Park Place Book Club next month! For this book club,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star. I sit on the floor, my tiny fingers plinking out notes on a plastic toy piano.
Last week I saw Dolly Parton in concert. Dolly is now 70, but like Jane Fonda, she seems to be
Some people live for the break from routine that summer offers. I live for the return of routine in the
I have a confession to make. I love The Real Housewives of New York City. While they’ve been derided as
Last month I attended a poetry workshop. Over the course of two hours I learnt about assonance and alliterations and
I used to work in a sales office where framed prints of inspirational quotes and majestic photographs were hung along
We just had a long holiday weekend, and my social media has been flooded with photos of people having more