Somewhere I read we look seven years younger when we view ourselves in our own mirror. I think that’s true. The mirrors and the lighting in my bathroom make me believe I’m holding my own. Then I see my reflection in a store window, and I’m shocked to see my mother staring back at me.
I was excited to turn 30 and rightly so. Those turned out to be some of the best years of
A friend and I were having coffee when we started talking about how lovely it was not to go out
It happened in the blink of an eye. There it was… Confirmation I’m officially “old.” Without even having to whip
At an estate sale recently, a large baggie filled with yellow corn-on-the-cob holders caught my eye. The price was $1
Last week my husband and I went to a Blood, Sweat and Tears concert with friends we’ve known for over
Three years ago I lost 18 pounds. In some circumstances this would be an exciting thing, but in my case
This has been a banner month for me, right up there with turning 21… and turning 40… and turning 50.
Middle age kind of snuck up on me, and along the way I neglected to read the memo about thinning
Today is my 60th birthday. As you read this, I may be laughing, or I may be crying. Hopefully the
Monday was a banner day. After waiting at a walk-in clinic to learn I can’t hear out of my right
A few years ago I changed doctors because my PCP wouldn’t prescribe me something for sleep. I’d gone in for
I attended a funeral for a cousin whose death came too early. She’d beaten breast cancer, twice, but years of
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had neck and back pain. Some days it’s one or the other,
I was relaxing at the pool this afternoon when a friend of my daughter’s walked past and we began chatting.
I’ve been sailing many times. No, that’s not true: I’ve been sailed — passive voice — many times. I suspect
Recently, The Royal Society Open Science published a study that shows the number of friends we have peaks at age