Harry King freed women from permanent wave solutions, sleeping on orange juice cans, big bonnet hairdryers, and the need to have every hair shellacked into place. Harry’s a hairstyling legend, and we owe him our gratitude. Even if you don’t know Harry King, one look and you’ll notice the mischievous twinkle in his eye and
I’ve never liked my thighs. On a good day they’re like rocky road ice cream, the appropriate mix of hard
The Swiss village of Bubendorf has denied a family Swiss citizenship because they wore sweatpants outside of the house too
I’ve progressed through the grieving phase and have moved from devastated to angry! I’ve been waiting for almost a year
Summer totes are a necessity for me. It’s the time of year when I travel a lot. I always seem
Recently I was speaking with the realtor who has the listing for selling my family home. It’s been several years
Not disregarding all of the years spent playing with my Mom’s laundry basket as a child, my love affair with
When I was learning to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality assessment, we did an exercise to see if we
“Here,” the photographer said. He slid my portfolio back across the table. “Really,” I thought? He didn’t even look up.
How many times a day do you say “I’m sorry?” I was with a friend recently, and we began discussing
I. Love. Music. My personal music playlist has 15 hours of everything from the late, Chicago, blues musician, singer/songwriter, Little
Recently, The Royal Society Open Science published a study that shows the number of friends we have peaks at age