Health Benefits of Spices
Health Benefits of Spices

Most of us know that herbs have health benefits, but in addition to flavoring our food, did you know spices can also enhance our health? Some of my favorite beneficial spices are oregano, cinnamon, mint, turmeric, rosemary, clove, and parsley. In addition to containing vitamins and minerals, they’re good sources of anti-oxidants. They even contain fiber, protein and healthy fats. That was a surprise to me!

Have a spicy day!

These particular spices also act as antibacterial and anti-fungal elements, plus they all have anti-inflammatory properties, which means they could help reduce joint and muscle swelling. Many people take over the counter medications for aches and pains, but by adding certain spices to your diet, they may help you recover quicker.

  • Oregano and parsley have vitamin K, which is good for building bones.
  • Ginger may help with muscle soreness if taken for two weeks. It’s also anti-inflammatory and may help with attention span if taken for two months.
  • Nutmeg may help prevent cavities by reducing plaque and fighting bacteria in the mouth. It’s also another anti inflammatory. Try adding it to coffee. I love it that way!
  • Cayenne pepper may help you burn more calories, while lessening your cravings for fatty foods. I sprinkle it on my eggs in the morning.
  • Cumin may help boost your memory and brain power, and it’s high in iron, which can help your immune system.
  • Sage may help boost brain function and memory.
  • Cinnamon is reported to help control blood sugar. One-half teaspoon of cinnamon per day can provide improved insulin resistance, which in turn decreases heart disease risk, plus it helps with weight control. If you’re eating something sweet, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to moderate any blood sugar spikes.

Here are some of my other favorite spices that have numerous health benefits. I try to add them daily:

  • Turmeric can be used to help with arthritis and stomach problems and has anticancer effects. If I don’t add it to food, I take it in capsule form at night.
  • Rosemary helps improve circulation and boosts immune health. Since it’s harder to cook or bake with, daily, I use the essential oil or chew it raw.
  • Saffron has been shown to help with depression and reducing menstrual cramps. There are more benefits from using saffron extract than the powered spice found in stores, but the extract is harder to find and use.
  • Ginger is also one of my favorites, and it has been shown to reduce cancer risks.

If you’re considering adding herbs and spices to your regimen, first consult with a doctor to make sure they don’t conflict with any medications you’re taking.

Have a spicy day!

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Kim’s been on more than 500 magazine covers around the world; featured in six Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions, and was the exclusive face of Revlon’s Ultima II. More importantly, she’s a genuine, thoughtful woman, and like many of us, Kim Alexis has redefined herself more than once. In her no-nonsense way, Kim will share her thoughts about life, health, empty nests, redefining this time of your life, and she’ll give us a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes life as one of the world’s most iconic supermodels. Kim can also be found at

4 thoughts on “SPICE IT UP”

  1. I take cinnamon every day and have lots of spice in my diet. I need to add turmeric, however. I’ll check it out in capsule form. Thanks for the great info!

  2. I have a girlfriend who swears by spices. Each day she adds one to her food she says has helped immensely with psoriasis. Who knew? Thanks, Kim. xoxox, Brenda

  3. Such great advice, I have cinnamon every day and add turmeric to a lot of dishes, as I love quite spicy food. Great reminder of just how good spices are, thank you! Esther xx

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