
There aren’t many things cuter than a soft, snuggly puppy who nuzzles your neck and whispers, “Adopt me! Adopt me!” Adopting one puppy is a good thing, but two? When I asked my girlfriends why they didn’t stop me, they said, “You’ve always had dogs, so we figured you knew what you were getting into.” Yes, but never puppies! When I was younger and the same friends started having babies, I didn’t understand the degree to which their lives had changed, overnight, but now… That’s me!

I also have postpartum depression, and I didn’t even give birth!

I get nothing done! Nothing! All my time’s spent, dealing with two puppies! Where is their off switch? For the first couple of months I set my alarm to get up in the middle of the night and take them out to pee. Sleep deprived new moms… I understand that now as well!

In the beginning the girls squatted where they were to use the bathroom. Annie’s now mastered “outside,” but Lulu has what’s known as “Submissive Peeing!”

Everything’s still fair game to be chewed or eaten. I’m always right there, but they lunge for something and swallow it before I have a chance to dig it out of their mouths. It’s a wonder they don’t think their names are “Noooo!”

Baby Annie Oakley and Little Lulu

Together, they’ve had veterinary-induced vomiting five times to bring up things like sprinkler heads and rubber gloves. Let’s not even talk about the reams of crabgrass Lulu inhales and then “exhales” in the middle of the night. Then there’s Annie’s emergency surgery to remove a wire she swallowed that passed through her stomach and was waiting to puncture her intestines. The vet, literally, didn’t know if she’d survive. She was in intensive care and then in a crate and only out on a leash to pee for a MONTH. They’re now my five thousand dollar dogs!

In an earlier post I suggested puppies instead of antidepressants, but if I’m to be honest, I’ve been depressed. This has been one of the most overwhelming, nonstop times of my life.

After adopting them, I realized the guys who “flipped my house” dumped their trash in the bushes. I raked up nails, broken glass, tile shards and tin snips. When more stuff kept turning up, I raked—this time on my hands and knees with a HAIR COMB—and collected NINE garbage bags of dangerous things! When I realized there was more, I had the yard guys dig up FOUR inches of my back yard. Now after Hurricane Harvey, all I have is mud…

Dog trainers tell me it’s difficult for litter mates to bond with anyone, but one another, plus they feed off of each other’s energy. In an attempt to deal with this, I have a great “nanny” who walks them three days a week until their tongues touch their knees. Also each girl goes separately, once a week, to daycare to socialize with other dogs–Annie has a boyfriend…. a French Bulldog, and yes, she’s been spayed–while I bond with the other one at home.

Two weeks ago I reached my limit with hyperactive puppies who don’t listen to me, and short of an Exorcist head spin, I had a verbal meltdown. They stopped in their tracks. Their eyes got big, and they looked at me differently. I think I should have done that sooner. Maybe it was my Linda Blair moment or the cumulation of time and “it takes a village,” but I have glimpses of the family I wanted when I adopted them.

Oh, $#!t! Lulu!!

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  1. LOL! We’ve never had 2 puppies at a time but we have had 2 dogs in different stages for many years. Right now we have 2 cockapoos who are just the cutest couple on the planet but, there’s a reason we call Sydney Miss Pissy! She was 2 when we got her and had not been properly trained, plus she’s more cocker spaniel than poodle and cockers are notorious for pissing wherever and whenever they choose. It’s a challenge, for sure! But, neither of them were big chewers. I feel for you, Brenda! Good luck with the classes.

    • Oh my word, Barbara! I was hoping you were going to tell me they were under control and the best dogs EVER! We love them, nonetheless, but it is so trying! I’m going to Italy this month, and the girls are going to boarding school, where I hope they learn to be controlled, young ladies! xoxox, Brenda

  2. Brenda,

    Yes, having puppies is an exhausting task and you seem to be on overload with your babies.
    I am sorry they have been giving you non stop agita.

    Your blog post is humorous but I know this has been had on you.


    • Thank you, Robin, for your support! OVERLOAD is the right word! I don’t want to let them, or myself, down but “parenting” baby dogs… TWO BABY DOGS, is more than I ever dreamed! Brenda

    IT IS HARD just like having a baby but hey I got up every 2 hours to nurse (45 minutes)my first BORN……..TALK about sleep DEPRIVED!
    They will GROW out of it but it takes TIME………be like MY FIRST BORN and get the PUPPY A PIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NOW I know you have ZERO time but do come over and SEE CHERIE on MY BLOG………….and I know you visited CINDY as I just saw your COMMENT!When do you go on your ADVENTURE?

    • YES! I HAVE WHITE FURNITURE! A white sofa, a low white limestone coffee table in the living room and a white, duck daybed in my office that now has muddy brown footprints all over it! TIME… I fear I will be ancient before they grow out of this stage!!!! A PIG!!! Sounds good except I’d prefer to have some landscaping instead of dirt first…. PIGS WALLOWING IN MUD WITH TWO DOGS? Shoot me now!!! I visited your blog FIRST and left a comment and then Cindy’s! I can’t miss anything you’ve written about CHERIE! Leaving Sept 10th!!! My traveling wardrobe has your name written all over it! xoxox, Brenda

    • Very astute question, Bonnie!! I turned the hose on them only to remember that’s one of their favorite things! Annie ate a sprinkler head when the automatic timer came on! She has a blast trying to stop the water with her mouth or her feet! Hosing her down results in both of us being drenched from head to toe, not to mention Hurricane Harvey’s rain fall. It’s been way more stressful than I’ve indicated, but considering what the rest of Texas is going through, I can’t complain too much! Thank you!! Brenda

  4. Not so funny and funny, all at the same time. Our dog Smokey, whose been gone now two years, ate a huge hole in the nicest Oriental rug we had, after chasing the cat on top of the dining room table I inherited from my mother, and putting a huge scratch on the top. Sigh… My mother was flipping out, but I could only sigh. As others have said, it’ll be over and you’ll miss (just a little) the boisterous stuff.

  5. Hi Margaret! I’ve already thought about the fact there will come a day when I miss their puppy antics. It’s a double sided coin. They’ve brought so much life and spirit into my life, but at the same time, WHERE IS THEIR FLIPPING OFF SWITCH? Oh, my stars! Brenda

  6. Its a good thing they are so adorable. We had brother terriers, Lance and Louie and they drove me crazy, scared me to death and exhausted me but I adored them and miss them so much.
    They definitely will settle down and when that happens they will be such good friends for you. We had such good luck with a dog trainer that came to the house. In just 2-hours she changed our lives!
    Mud drove me insane. I’m praying for you and hoping it all dries out asap.
    Getting away will do wonders for your depression.

    • I think God deliberately makes babies, puppies and kittens adorable so we’ll take care of them even during the rough patches. While I’m gone, the girls will have intensive training, and I’ll come back refreshed. BTW, I’ve seen such a difference in them the last few weeks, so I know they’re maturing and absorbing what I’m teaching them. Thank you, sweet friend, Brenda

  7. It will get better. However, they look a bit like Labradors so be prepared for disasters all the time. Labs are well known for chewing, digging, running wild for a long long long time. Once they’re a year old you will see a big change in behavior, they will calm down. Believe me, they are worth everything you go through, as you will end up with 2 of the best friends you’ve ever known. I love ALL dogs. ALL dogs. Bless you for rescuing them.

    • Like you, Marsha, I LOVE ALL dogs! I’ve rescued so many over the years, who became such a part of me, that in the end, a piece of me dies when they do. Think you’re right. They have some Lab in them. At least Lulu does. One vet couldn’t believe they were from the same litter because they look so different. I’ve thought about having their DNA tested, but decided my money is better spent on training and socialization. They’re adorable! Last night Lulu sat on my lap in front of a mirror in my bathroom and kept staring at our reflection and then looking up at me. It was so cute. Thanks for your encouragement!! Brenda

  8. Oh Brenda, I really can sympathize with you, and totally understand your post partum depression. Two puppies at the same time is a lot for anyone. Infact, when my husband and I went to look at our now standard poodle, Margaux, she was in the same crate as her brother. I immediatly said oh they are both so adorable, we should get both. The breeder looked at me and said sternly, I DO NOT allow my clients to purchase two puppies at the same time. She said it’s just too much to care for. Margaux was our third dog, and boy I don’t know what I was thinking. Three is a lot! It is constant. Don’t get me wrong, I adore dogs and have had them all my life, and will always have them, but they are a tremendous commitment. The toughest part is the first two years, and then they settle. I agree with your earlier reader, hire a trainer. The stuff they teach you will change your life. My mom gave me great advice when my kids were little. Get help and take time for yourself, otherwise they will suck the life out of you!! And, boy was she right. It sounds like you’ve already done that. Dogs are like kids, they can really put you through it. All your time and effort with Annie and Lulu will pay off and they will reward you with loyalty and love. Hang in there Brenda. XOXO


  9. Just the fact that you understand and have such encouraging words is more helpful than you can imagine, Cherie! At the peak of my frustration, a trainer told me it would take 1 year and a half before they settled down, I wanted to burst into tears! How do mothers of twins do it? The nanny who walks them has helped me with training immensely, plus I’ve pulled from my knowledge with other dogs I’ve taken to school. It’s just they’re in the puppy state and TOGETHER!! so it’s difficult to see results, but they’re little ladies compared to where they were three weeks ago! Thank you, again! xoxox, Brenda

  10. Love this & them! So cute! And you have totally taken me back to the days when my best friend and I each adopted a puppy and mine ate all kinds of crazy things and LOVED the vet! Thanks for this fun read and good luck… eventually they’ll calm down!

  11. I only have 1 dog, she’s now 3, and still mad as a hatter, but I so remember those early days. Wishing you luck, and I’m sure they’ll settle down soon!!

    • LOL! “Mad as a hatter!” Love your description. Thank you for reconfirming that they’ll settle down… I write this as I’m watching them chase one another around my office and under my legs as I sit at my desk. Sometimes they pause there to “play fight,” and my legs get bitten in the process. They’re a hoot! Brenda

    • LOL! LOL! I’m grateful I’m not having to start a college fun! Twins! Were you in shock for the first six months? I can’t imagine… No way! You have my undying admiration, Rena! xoxox, Brenda

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