Brenda recently asked if we still prepare meals. Many readers who left comments said they still enjoyed cooking; a few said they didn’t, and someone said she didn’t see the point. That really touched me. In my mind, eating well is an act of awareness and love.
Lots of us have, and regularly use, some version of the Serenity Prayer. This is mine, short and sweet: Not
My mother put a lot of time and energy into how she looked and how others perceived her. She never
Instead of taking advantage of the holiday sales, I spent my “Christmas money” on a trip to the cardiologist for
There aren’t many things cuter than a soft, snuggly puppy who nuzzles your neck and whispers, “Adopt me! Adopt me!”
“Here,” the photographer said. He slid my portfolio back across the table. “Really,” I thought? He didn’t even look up.