
My mother always told me, “Don’t tell people your problems; half won’t care, and the other half will think you deserve them! Yes, this RV lifestyle can be an escapist’s fantasy – but sometimes it’s less fantasy, and more horror show!

While in Austin, the temperatures were in the hundreds all week. On the day it hit 107, one of our A/C fan motors died, but not before shredding its interior insulation and blowing “glitter” everywhere. It looked like a bunch of strippers had been here!

We took it in for repair, and ran errands all day. My sweetie even allowed me to drag him through IKEA! Anything to stay in air-conditioning. Since they know we live in it, the repair shop moved us to the front of the line and repaired it quickly, a courtesy we really appreciated!

Just before leaving for New Mexico, we had a thunderstorm, rain came down by the bucketfuls all night.

When I woke in the morning, my sweetie had towels and my spaghetti pot on the floor as he repaired a leaking exhaust fan in the kitchen. We think it’s resolved… the next rainstorm may disagree.

On our way to Santa Fe, our door handle snapped off, locking us out! We’d read about others having the same problem. Thankfully I was able to finagle it and get us in. The next day while we drove, I searched ahead to replace it.

Drawn to a particular repair shop, I called, and had an instant  connection with Darlene. Texting back and forth, she had our part overnighted –  just beating the 5:00 pm FedEx deadline! As it turns out, our RV park was half a mile from her shop. The next day she sent us to a friend’s repair shop who, again, put us at the front of the line.

We’ve learned that Stuff Happens, and so do coincidences and synchronicities.

You will get lost, despite having maps, GPS, and a good sense of direction. Sometimes the signage is horrible. Just like life, the way “there,” isn’t clear.

It’s best to stay open, be grateful, and have a great sense of humor.

Sometimes you “win,” and are blessed by people like Darlene; who go above-and-beyond your needs.

We hold on to ideas and plans more loosely now, which allows for serendipity to play her part.

You can’t necessarily escape, but you can learn to enjoy every step of your journey.

XO Donna

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Donna O’Klock spent 35 years in the beauty business, talking, teaching, and learning. These days, she’d “rather write than talk. It’s better that way because I can edit.” She writes two blogs, and, and is the author of  Sick and Tired & Sexy: Living Beautifully with Chronic Illness.

Austin, Texas, has been her home since 1978, but she and her fiancé have downsized and are traveling the country in their RV.

2 thoughts on “Trouble in Paradise”

  1. Oh no! Sounds like our summer home experience. Kind of felt like Job at times. But the kindness of strangers always pulled us through. xo

  2. Donna, I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how things are going! Thanks for the update, hopefully these were teething issues, but I do love how you’re taking life lessons from your experiences on the road! Esther xx

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