RV Living
Our journey began early July, 2016. We went to a nearby RV park, in-spite of the ridiculous Texas heat and rain, to try-out our new motorhome. Within the first half-hour Turk made a newbie mistake. Randomly pushing buttons, he accidentally turned off the 12-volt switch which shut down all power to the coach, including our
“Hi diddly dee, an actors life for me. A high silk hat and a silver cane. A watch of gold
Our RV lifestyle has enabled us to see some wonderful parts of our great country. Recently we decided to drive
I first heard about ‘Sisters on the Fly’ this spring when we were camping at Lake Georgetown, TX. It’s one
There are only twelve, count ’em, twelve days left until our big move!
From the time I was quite young and first read The Boxcar Children, the idea of living a very small