It’s every woman’s lament at one point or another. But this time, it’s not about my clothes, and it’s true.
There are only twelve, count ’em, twelve days left until our big move!
In between the packed and stacked boxes, the work piled on both of our desks, and the boxes yet-to-be-packed–only 3
Used throughout Europe as a way to cleanse the palate between courses, intermezzos are usually a light and refreshing treat.
From the time I was quite young and first read The Boxcar Children, the idea of living a very small
At an estate sale recently, a large baggie filled with yellow corn-on-the-cob holders caught my eye. The price was $1
And you thought I just do surgery on knees and shoulders! But I’m not here to advise you on color,
I just read there are four times more storage units in the United States than there are Starbucks. Since 1987,
In preparation for the move back into our newly renovated house, I’ve been coordinating the reduction of boxes and furniture
I’ve become obsessed with tiny houses lately. Tiny as in less than 300 square feet. I’ve lived in studio apartments
In our quest to further downsize so we can travel regularly, yesterday we moved in 100 degree heat. Today I
“Please take all of it, I don’t need anything!” I get lots of calls from women who are ready to