
My bedroom smells like urine, and there’s a dog that likes getting stuck under my dresser, but I’m deliriously happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had an eight-week-old puppy and until now… I’ve never had TWO. Everything is something to chew on: the dust ruffle on my bed; the edges of the old mirror that leans against my wall and the terra-cotta pots in the courtyard.

When they’re out of their crates, I feel like it’s Roller Derby time. Girls rushing past me like they’ve got wheels on their feet!

Saturday I adopted two, eight-week-old puppies from the shelter. Their foster mother said Annie, the brown one, was the adventurous one, and Lulu, the smaller black one, was the cuddle bug. LOL! It’s the other way around. Lulu’s the first to discover everything and the aggressor with her larger sister. Make no mistake, Annie’s not a wallflower, but she’s the one who wants to cuddle. My heart is overflowing with love for these babies. Now for the bad news…

Monday Annie had watery stools with blood in them. When I looked it up on the internet I learned a seemingly healthy go-get ‘em puppy can be fine one minute and near death an hour later if they have this rare parasite: Coccidia. Annie has it and Lulu will probably get it as well. In addition, both have Giardia.

Where did it come from? Annie, Lulu, their six litter-mates and their mom were on the streets, trying to survive on who knows what. The scary thing with Coccidia is that it has a nine-day life cycle. Annie and Lulu are getting four meds apiece that should take care of it but… If any of us track it in from outside, anything we touch can spread it, and the nine-day life cycle starts all over again at that location.

The vet suggested I wipe their feet and their butts with baby wipes when they come in from outside. At least seven times a day I wipe these squirmy little babies. Daily their towels are washed, and their crates are wiped down. I’m also on my hands and knees with rubber gloves, washing every inch of the floor. After I feed them or love on them, I wash my hands. Even with my super hand cream, it’s going to be a month of Sundays before anyone wants to shake my rough peeling hands. My pest control guy also sprayed the yard with a mild Chlorox and water solution.

The shelter spayed them, so they’re wearing collars most of the time. I’ve had to make a spreadsheet to keep track of their meds and three feeding times, and since I’m housebreaking them, I set my alarm for 2am to take them outside with flashlight and poop bags in-hand.

I can’t believe all they’ve been through. You wouldn’t know it because they’re the happiest, most energetic and loving little babies I know. They’re hysterical together! They just have to be alright! I couldn’t bear it if I lost my new family.

Please pardon the pun, but I’m pooped. The girls like it when I sing to them. LOL! No one else does. The other night I gave David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” some new lyrics.

Let’s nap!

Put on your sleep mask and catch a few

Let’s nap!

To the sound of snoring from the baby dogs

Let’s poop!

Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight

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42 thoughts on “I HAVE A NEW FAMILY”

  1. Oh, Brenda! I’m squealing with delight at the pics of your adorable babies and I can feel your happiness radiating through the page. I’m so sorry to read that Annie has Coccidia though, and that Lulu may get it, but I’m sure if anyone can see them through this, it’s you. They are such lucky girls to have you loving them and they should appreciate your singing, considering all the work you’re doing for them right now! I’m just sorry I can’t come over to help and to see them in roller derby action! Much love, Essie xx

    • Brenda,
      Your post made my Monday…at the young age of 56 in 2016 my husband and I adopted 9-week old litter mates too . Remy and Maya were rambunctious love bugs who also were diagnosed with Giarda on day two of being in our home. I remember the sleepless nights while crate training, but I would not trade that time for anything. You sound like a wonderful momma who will coast through this tough patch. Hope Annie & Lulu continue to grow, thrive and have fun!

      • Laura! Thank you for sharing and encouraging me! You know what a challenge two puppies with Giardia can be! Right now it’s raining hard outside, and I know the girls need to go out… Guess I’ll get the towels out for all three of us! Thank you, again!! Brenda

  2. They are so darn cute and you sound so happy! We always adopt our dogs from the Humane Society and they are always the best dogs. They know you have rescued them and that they are in their forever home. I’m sorry they are sick but you will all get through it – it’s just a lot of work with two. I can’t wait to watch them grow and hear what they get into!

    • Thanks for you supporting words, Michelle. It’s been overwhelming this week, cleaning them, the floors, EVERYTHING, giving meds. The easy part is loving them! They’ve taken over my heart and healed my sadness, and I feel blessed. Brenda

  3. They’re adorable and blessed to have a loving care giver and mommy… you will nurse then through this dreaded disease…. I know they’ll bring you great joy in the years to come!

  4. What a picture of blissful chaos! You sound like such a good mama. What a commitment. I admire your stamina! Hope you keep your shoes safely stowed but it sure sounds like an adventure!

    • It’s not just shoes, Mithra, it’s EVERYTHING! Everything needs to be high enough they can’t reach. Even then, they turn to table legs, my legs. They’re hysterical. My stamina… It increased until yesterday, and then a week of this, I was wiped out. I’m loving them though! xoxox, Brenda

  5. Oh how fun, Brenda! It’s just like having human twins. They are so lucky that you rescued them, and I know you will all have many wonderful adventures together. Please post updates as they grow!

    • They are like twins, Susan! They’re like having twin infants who put everything in their mouth, poop and pee without a schedule, cry when I’m not in the room and two seconds later, don’t remember the word “No.” What can I say? They’re adorable! I sound like a proud mom, don’t I? xoxox, Brenda

  6. Delighted you have a new family, and hoping all works out for all of you! Wow, such a lot that will keep you busy for a while! But so worth it all! Enjoy!

    • Beckye, I have so much to do for Annie and Lulu that I don’t have time for much of anything else, but yes, it’s so worth it. I’m enjoying these little blessings. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda

  7. Lucky puppies, lucky you. Sending positive thoughts that all will be well. Isn’t it amazing how they wiggle their way into our hearts in minutes??? And then you can’t imagine life without them.

  8. I have a rescue baby and really love the roller derby image. It feels a little like adopting a toddler but the joy is sooo worth it. I have a dog door and life is so much easier with an exit strategy. May your adorable Tasmanian children get well soon.

    • Kona, So funny you say “Tasmanian children” because I call Lulu, the little black one, Devil Dog. She gets this look in her eyes and shows her teeth, and I know Annie’s in for another ride! I fear they think there names are “No!” xoxox, Brenda

  9. I am sorry to hear Annie and LuLu have Coccidia and Giardia.
    I love that you find their puppy antics humorous, it did make me giggle this morning.
    Sounds like these beautiful pups ended up right where they need to be – with you!
    Fasten your seat belt and get ready for a lot more antics and your favorite shoes (hide them)
    The unconditional love that Annie and LuLu are going to shower you with for years to come will make it all worth while.

    • Maura, I never considered that I’d be part of their Roller Derby team with wheels on my feet as well, but that’s what I do every minute of their waking time! Love watching them and hugging them, but honest to Pete! I need a nanny or someone to do my job for me! Thanks for reading! I appreciate you, Brenda

  10. I know of very few things that are happier than a puppy and you now have double happiness. Along with you, I have two girlfriends that had to put their babies down recently. They are not yet back into having another companion but both have opened their minds to “Not today, but someday. Sooner rather than later.” Congratulations on your new girls. They are adorable. Keep singing! xx-hb

    • I know how your friends feel, Holly. One of my friends has been nudging me to go online and look at shelter dogs, but I wasn’t ready. Then, just to see what the crop looked like, I did. There were a lot of pit bulls, so I stopped looking. A week later I looked and saw Annie. When I met her and her sister, Lulu, that was it! In a heartbeat, I loved them! Keep singing… LOL! That’s easy for you to say! You’re not here! xoxox, Brenda

  11. Puppies are always a handful but, with the medical issue I do not envy you. I’m sure they’ll come through with flying colors and you will have so much love and fun at your new house, Brenda. Keep the pictures coming!!

    • Barbara, Right now I just want them well and for me to be able to get back to sleep after their 2am potty break. It’s now turned into PLAY TIME!! xoxox, Brenda

  12. They’re both adorable and beautiful. My dog had Giardia and man… sue takes a long time to get rid of it but you can and I’m sure you will. Hope they both recover soon and that you can continue to enjoy them.

    • Interesting you say that, Claudia, because I’ve been more worried about the Coccidia, but I keep hearing the Giardia’s tuff to get rid of… Thank you, Brenda

  13. There is nothing like a puppy, or two, to put some fun in your life. They make us laugh and love. They get us down on the grass, or in the ocean, like a kid again. They get us out walking, no matter what the weather or schedule. And, singing! Lol

  14. People who rescue animals will have good karma coming to them the rest of their lives. And taking on the huge task of sick ones times two! and following it through deserves extra gold stars. A big hug from a stranger is all I can give, but I truly hope you can feel it.

  15. Dear Roberta, This is one of the sweetest notes I’ve received. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them and you. Hugs are gratefully accepted, and I send one back to you because your words are a reflection of someone with a loving heart. Brenda

    • Oh my stars, Doreen! I had no clue… Not sure that bodes well for me being a savvy woman. They’re into everything, all the time. This morning it took me 15 minutes to write a check and put it in the envelope! Good news is they’ve licked one parasite, but the other one is hanging on, so another 10 days of meds. Thanks for reminding me to take care of me… when? xoxox, Brenda

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