I’m excited! Wednesday, April 13th, 1010ParkPlace is taking a giant leap forward. While we’re still focused on women over 45, we’re adding some compelling new writers; women who’re focused on making life count. 1010ParkPlace still believes #StyleIsAgeless, but since making life count is what most of us are thinking about at this stage of our lives, we’ve decided #MakingLifeCount should be our new tagline.
Together with you—our readers—1010ParkPlace is spearheading a women’s movement. You may be thinking, “Wasn’t there already a women’s movement?”
In addition to the bold conversations on BRENDA’S BLOG; ESTHER ZIMMER’S introspective journey, and ELAINE PARISI’S creative ideas for home and personal style, we’ve added a roster of new Contributing Writers; women who write with wholehearted vulnerability. Our writers are the palpable, insightful heartbeat of 1010ParkPlace.

Photo by Noel Sutherland.
Supermodel Kim Alexis
We’re thrilled to announce our exclusive Contributing Writing partnership with supermodel, KIM ALEXIS. Kim’s been on more than 500 magazine covers around the world; featured in six Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions, and was the exclusive face of Revlon’s Ultima II. More importantly, she’s a genuine, thoughtful woman, and like many of us, Kim Alexis has redefined herself more than once. In her no-nonsense way, Kim will share her thoughts about life, health, empty nests, redefining this time of your life, and she’ll give us a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes life as one of the world’s most iconic supermodels.

Susan Tolles
Certified Life Purpose Coach, SUSAN TOLLES, is passionate about helping women become stronger and more vibrant by helping them define what’s truly important in life. Like all of our Contributing Writers, Susan has found herself at a major crossroads. Her site was one of the top five resources for women over 50, but she felt it wasn’t enough. She now supports women—on a deeper level—and 1010 Park Place is excited to host Susan Tolles’ Q&A’s. She will answer your questions about integrating your life with your desires. Susan doesn’t do fluff. She digs deep. Want to create a legacy that goes beyond material possessions? Ask Susan!
Jen Lawrence
With an MBA in Finance, JEN LAWRENCE worked in investment banking; was Executive Director of a Children’s Museum and is a pioneer mommy blogger. Jen writes and speaks about women in business, critical thinking, strategic planning and is the author of Engage the Fox: A Business Fable About Thinking Critically and Motivating Your Team. When your world’s been blown apart, Jen Lawrence can help you pull yourself together, and pinpoint those next steps that will help you find your new normal.

Sara Cornell
With her fresh, uncensored take on fashion and life, SARA CORNELL tells it like it is. Her topics range from how her affair ruined her life—or maybe it didn’t—to how marriage, and being single, wasn’t what she thought it would be. She’s a woman who likes studded black leather, high heels and red lipstick and practices yoga and meditation each day, rarely in the aforementioned garb. Sara writes about things we’re all thinking, but are too afraid, or too self-conscious, to say out loud. Simply put, Sara is refreshing.
Let’s Continue the Movement
Together with you—our readers—1010ParkPlace is spearheading a women’s movement. You may be thinking, “Wasn’t there already a women’s movement?” Yes, but it’s far from being over!
It’s time to reawaken the dreams that may have taken a back seat to career, marriage, raising children and just being grownups!
Whether we’re the women who picked up Gloria Steinem’s torch, their daughters or granddaughters, we’re women who’ve fought for our place at every table. We’re the wealthiest, most powerful demographic in history. We’re a force to be admired and cultivated, and we’re tired of being treated as though we’re invisible. Our voices matter, and we’re ready to be heard.
We’re hungry for community, role models and products from corporations that recognize our unique needs and wants. Join 1010ParkPlace, and raise your pocketbooks in the air, and support brands who support us!
Please give our Contributing Writers a warm welcome in the comments below!
25 thoughts on “Exciting News About 1010 PARK PLACE”
What exciting news to have such famous, intelligent, savvy women become a part of your blog. I long admired Kim Alexis for not only her beauty but her honesty. She used to have a show when she had young children that I used to watch. She seems “true” to her real self. I look forward to reading what all the new contributors add to the dimension of what you already offer. Kudos to you and your grand achievements.
I also look forward to reading, sometime, from a contributor about people facing adversity who overcome their challenges with a positive spirit. That would also be fantastic.
Best of luck to you~
You won’t find a more genuine and authentic person than Kim Alexis. I’m enjoying getting to know her.
Thanks for making me think about everyone who’s facing any kind of a challenge… I promise to give that lots of thought. Actually, I’ve put a pink post-it note on my computer screen!
Looks like a great lineup, Brenda. Can’t wait to read the posts!
Thanks, Pam, and we have more to come!
Yes, I’m excited. Thank you, friend, for all of your support. I appreciate you more than you know.
Wonderful! Bring them on!
Thanks, Mithra!
How exciting!!
I’m excited, Barbara. We’re growing and taking a big step forward!
I am thrilled to be adding my Voice to 1010 Park Place! I love the direction it is going, and thank you, Brenda, for taking that giant leap to serve women on a deeper level. We need to be transparent and generous with our wisdom and our own stories. Let the conversations begin!
THANK YOU for joining us! You’ve read my blogs and know my heart, so you know transparency is central to everything I do. With authenticity, and help from God and those we trust, we all have a better chance of finding our way. I’m particularly excited to see the Q&As you field. We’re working to make it clear that women can ask questions with total anonymity. I think that’s so important for a column like yours.
Looking forward to taking this next step with you and getting to know you better,
I am thrilled about this lineup of talented writers who go beyond the superficial. May God bless you richly in this endeavor.
Thank you, sweet friend. You and I both understand the value of being real and having people in our lives we can count on, and who pray for us. My prayers continue for you.
I always say, “Change is good!” So bring it on and challenge us with new thoughts and ideas. Keep it flowing…and welcome to your new contributors!
Thank you, Val! I hope you’re being challenged at your new job and that you’re happy there! It’s all about #MakingLifeCount at this stage, so I hope you find something that strengthens you and gives you joy.
1010 Park Place keeps getting better and better! Thank you Brenda for your diligent attention to this part of our world and welcome to all of the contributing writers!
Paula, the World’s Cheerleader…. I knew I could count on you for a big thumb’s up! Thank you, sweet friend.
I agree with Paula! I always leave with a smile when I come here and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Your comment makes me smile and my heart soar! You know what it’s like to put yourself out there and wonder if people like what you’re doing. Thank you, thank you!
Brenda, this is amazing news and of course, welcome to all the new contributors! I’m really looking forward to reading their insights and being part of these new conversations and I’m thrilled to be part of this community that you’re creating, not to mention this incredible movement. So, so exciting! Essie xx
It is a movement. Most of us think of the “woman’s movement” as something that’s in our rearview mirror, but we need it more than ever. Sexism, agism, lack of equal pay for equal jobs… not to mention advertisers and brands who’re failing to embrace the wealthiest, best-educated demographic in the history of the world. We have lots of work still to do, and I’m thrilled you’re a core member of our team. I value and appreciate you so very much.
Sending my love,
So happy to be joining this amazing group!
We’re thrilled to have you and your voice become a key part of the continuation of the women’s movement.
Great news! How does one become a contributing writer? I am a military retiree who was a journalist in the Navy. Any way I can contribute as a writer?
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