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I’m beginning to think I missed something big on the news. Something catastrophic in nature—like perhaps the planets have fallen out of alignment, or the gravitational pull of the moon has increased to the point it makes men and machines malfunction and go wacko. Like my computer, that was hacked by an unknown Russian entity,

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It’s summer and we’ve traded in our boots for flip flops, sandals and mules. And you know I wouldn’t be

As my sixth decade approaches I find myself obsessed with the preserving of memories. Especially the memories of loved ones

You may not have reached your health and fitness goals, yet. Even so, why wear clothes that don't make you

For anyone who’s been diagnosed with breast cancer—or knows someone who has—this week’s news that after 25 years, Olivia Newton-John’s

I was excited to turn 30 and rightly so. Those turned out to be some of the best years of

For 15 years my gyno nurse practitioner and I've had our annual trysts on the exam table... me in the
Here are reasons to kick up your heels, daily, for the coming week, and a list for the rest of

I made a commitment to practice self-care, no matter what I weighed, and I began by doing things like wearing

One of my favorite words is “beginning” because it conveys strength and hope. In the beginning everything is shiny and

Taking narcotics in order to work or do some activity is the fastest way to addiction! Smart talk from a
Be on the lookout for someone who needs your wise guidance at work or in her personal life, or who's

As long as the Rollings Stones continue performing, I’ll continue going to their concerts. The first time I saw the

I have supported the Aids Memorial from the very beginning because what is remembered, lives. My generation of hair stylists,

Where do you see yourself a year, five years or 10 years from now, and what will it take to

I was borrowing a cup of sugar from my neighbor down the street and noticed that in her dining room,

It sounds like Donna O'Klock is making a serious lifestyle change! Have you ever thought about giving it all up

Any woman over the age of 40 who falls from the height of her own body–in other words, doesn’t get

It’s that time of the year again. Summer’s fast approaching, and I can literally hear the gleeful rubbing of hands