
Once again, Cindy Hattersley and I are each interviewing a different woman for our “Ageless Style” series.

This month I sat down with Carolyn Espley-Miller, aka Slim Paley, a natural beauty with a well-honed eye and a passion for interior design and photography. Carolyn’s popular Instagram page, @SlimPaley, is a treasure trove of beautiful photographs of her homes in Santa Barbara, California, and Sun Valley, Idaho. She never fails to inspire me with her witty and entertaining writing and her love of gardens and magnificent trees, family, food, fashion, and art, and she has the best ideas for great martinis. And just when I’m getting cabin fever, her photographs of far-flung places like Sri Lanka and Morocco, let me live vicariously through her travels.

Carolyn has a laidback fashion style although when called upon, she can rock a red carpet like no one else.

For years the online community knew Carolyn Espley-Miller through her fun and stylish lifestyle blog, “Slim Paley,” a nom de plume she created by combining the names of two of New York’s most famous style icons, Slim Keith and Babe Paley. For over a year, no one knew Carolyn’s real name, but those of us who subscribed to her blog fell in love with her style, her creativity, and her wit. Like many of us, she stepped away for a while to work on other things. Here’s a portion of our recent conversation.

BRENDA: How would you describe your style?

CAROLYN: I’ve always been kind of a Boho girl. Maybe I’m granny Boho now.

BRENDA: LOL! Hardly!

CAROLYN: I don’t want to relinquish my style just because I’ve reached a certain age. I’ve never dressed classically at all, and I’ve never worked in the corporate world so I didn’t have a need to dress that way.

BRENDA: I did the corporate thing and I loved tailored clothes like Armani, but when I changed careers, it took me a while to figure out my style. I’m still tweaking. 

Carolyn, modeling in Sri Lanka.

CAROLYN: I lived in New York for seven years, so I would see those Armani women. They looked great and I admired them, but it didn’t work for me. I think perhaps because I had lived and modeled in Tokyo for a short time when I was young, my vibe was more eclectic.

Tokyo was such an eye-opening and influential period for me in terms of seeing and wearing inventive and inspired fashion, Kansai, Kenzo, et al, but going way back to when I was a teenager, I think my mom was the one who gave me the confidence to dress the way I dress. She was probably my single biggest influence.

BRENDA: Good for her.

CAROLYN: Yes, it’s a really nice thing to be able to say about your mom. When I was 16, my first real boyfriend was older than me, so I tried to dress and behave older. One day my mom said, “What are you doing?? I’m sorry, but Ultrasuede, really??” Remember Ultrasuede?

BRENDA: I do. Halston did a lot with Ultrasuede then.

Carolyn, on the left, in a photograph that may be from her first modeling job.

CAROLYN: Yes! I went to Holt Renfrew which was like the Bergdorf Goodman of Vancouver. I can still see it in my mind’s eye: I bought this mint green Ultrasuede shirtdress, and I thought it was the bomb, but my mom said, “Oh, my gosh! What are you doing? You’re so young. You’ll have time enough to dress like that. Celebrate your youth and this wonderful time in your life and go for it!” So I really have to credit my mom for giving me a little shake and coaxing me into being creatively more confident. 

Shortly after that, I went to Tokyo, as I mentioned, and then Toronto, before living in London for seven years. My father was British and I had family there so it felt like “home” very quickly. London in the 80s was very inspiring.

Carolyn’s vintage lace dress her daughter-in-law was married in.

I would go to the antique markets every weekend, to Covent Garden, and travel to Bath for the Antique & Vintage Textile Show every year. I collected all these really amazing antique laces and linens, kimono coats, and jewelry. My daughter-in-law was married in one of my vintage lace dresses! I still have a lot of it.

My husband calls me an “elegant hoarder.”

BRENDA: That’s funny! You posted a beautiful black and white of your mom when she was younger. I think you look a lot alike. Elegant and beautiful. I like how you wrote she would fold the corners of the fashion magazines and make little notes like, “You have to have this!” 

CAROLYN: Thank you. Yes, she’d grab the magazines first when they came in the mail, and by the time she’d return them to me they would look like a fan, there would be so many pages folded back, and she would write all over them. My sweet mom was like that all the way to the end of her life. She remained interested in fashion and style, not so much for herself, but for me and others. When I was a teenager she had a ladies’ clothing and shoe store, so I worked in the stores sometimes, usually on the weekends, and did the window and in-shop displays. I loved merchandising! 

I was obsessed with fashion magazines from an early age. I had an entire wall in my bedroom collaged with magazine pages of Lauren Hutton, Rene Russo, Jerry Hall, and for those that know me, David Bowie of course! That era was great for fashion. So much fun, as were some of the eras to follow. Even the “grunge period” I look back on fondly now. But I don’t buy fashion magazines anymore. I haven’t for years.

Snapping photos in the Maldives.

BRENDA: No, I don’t either. I find inspiration on Instagram.

CAROLYN: They no longer resonate with me. Whether it’s the editorials or the ads, it feels to me that we women of a certain age are invisible. The other thing that put me off is, you know those categories they have? “What to Wear at This Age?”

I realized in most of them, I’m now only one category away from “THE END.”

BRENDA: LOL! That’s hysterical.

CAROLYN: Seriously! I’m one small box of Fashion Do’s & Don’ts away from “THAT’S IT.” Walk away. It’s over for you, Slim Paley.”

BRENDA: I know, which makes me think of your feather-embellished sweatpants. I love those and when I’m 80, I want to pull something like that out of my closet and wear them.

I’m posing in the freezing cold (for two seconds) with no coat and no makeup in the most impractical, unslimming but fahbulous (imho) feather embellished sweatpants cause I was sick and didn’t get to wear them on New Year’s Eve. These sweats took up 1/2 my suitcase and came to party even if I didn’t!


BRENDA: They are the coolest. They really are. Do you have any style “Do’s & Don’ts?”

CAROLYN: I have many for myself, but in general, I think whatever makes you feel good and comfortable. Boring but true! For myself, my don’ts would be no red lipstick, but I love it on other women my age and older. If you can pull it off, that’s fantastic. I don’t wear any red at all. It just doesn’t work. 

Weekend in Mexico.

I don’t wear foundation anymore either, so that’s a don’t. It’s aging, so I’ll just mix a little moisturizer with tinted sunscreen, maybe a little bit more tint in the evening. 

No cleavage for me. Nobody needs to see that! I’m tall, but I’m small-framed so I don’t wear heavy jewelry. I will bunch stuff up, but it has to be small in scale. What are your don’ts?

BRENDA: The red lipstick. I think it’s my coloring because I can’t wear red at all, and I shy away from prints because I feel like I get lost in them. I’m tall and thin, and I like solids better on me than prints.

Carolyn with her friend, Anne Towbes, at Hanna Walska Lotusland in Santa Barbara, CA.

CAROLYN: I agree. I strive to look pulled together but not like I’m trying too hard. We don’t really have much call to get dressed up here in Santa Barbara, and we don’t go to LA very often. Not too many red-carpet events feel worth the effort involved anymore. We do it once in a while, but Santa Barbara is a very casual place. Most invitations will say “comfortably chic” or “dressy casual.” Very open for interpretation, which I love! You could almost get away with wearing sweats and Uggs or Birkenstocks here 24/7, but I don’t really want to succumb to that. I want to still put forth an effort.

I think style and fashion and the way you dress is a little bit like you go out and find your people in the room. I’ll gravitate, whether it’s in a store or a restaurant, to someone that has a style or a look I appreciate. Hey-Hello, we speak the same language. It’s like you make a connection even if you don’t wind up chatting. Not sure I’m articulating that thought in the best way, but I think you know what I mean. It’s a bit of a visual dialogue. 

Carolyn Esplely-Miller and her husband, comedian Dennis Miller

BRENDA: You may not dress up much anymore, but I found a photograph of you on your Instagram account. You’re wearing a pair of russet gold velvet pants and a green feathered jacket I love. I’m going to quote your Mom: “I have to have that!”

CAROLYN: LOL! I still have it. The pants are a copper-colored panne velvet. Fantastic trousers. That was the one and only time I wore them because at the party, a waiter behind me dropped a tray of glasses of champagne. It sprayed all down the back of the trousers so they were ruined. I still have them… Hello, elegant hoarder… They’re so beautiful. I just can’t bring myself to throw them out. The jacket is Philip Lim, with emerald-green ostrich feathers and mirrored sequins on the back. I keep it in hopes my daughter-in-law or my daughter-in-law-to-be will have an occasion to wear it.

BRENDA: Or maybe you invite girlfriends over and tell them to wear blue jeans plus something razzle-dazzle.

CAROLYN: Right, but it’s also a little tight under the arms now. You know the weird, awful little changes that happen… Like, how come all of a sudden my pants are pulling my butt down, but no… It’s my butt that’s pulling my pants down! OMG!

BRENDA: I know! That’s where my butt is located now! It’s so depressing!

At Villa San Michele, Florence, Italy

BRENDA: My readers know I’m going to Italy. I told them I’m only taking one carry-on rolly bag and a duffle bag, but they don’t see how I’m going to make 10 days in Italy work with that. You travel a lot, so I’m guessing you’re a pro at packing. Do you try and curate a wardrobe so you have multiple looks from the same pieces? Do you check luggage?

One of my more epic but not unheard of OVER-packing extravaganzas. It does show one of the few red things I own (but never wear, but can’t get rid of.) May I add, my luggage didn’t arrive and was lost for days on that trip.

CAROLYN: For all the traveling I’ve done over the years I’m still a last-minute packer. I’m up late the night before. I almost always have checked baggage. I have a friend who puts her entire outfits together on a hangar and just literally folds the hangar and clothes into her suitcase. When she gets to the hotel, she pops the hangars in the closet, and she’s good to go. I’ve tried that. I’ve tried the individual zippered pouches. But I’m a cuh-razzy over-packer.

BRENDA: There’s a picture of you on a rooftop in Morocco, and you’re wearing blue jeans, and sneakers and a long black feathered boa or a fur scarf. I love the contrast because it’s so fun and unexpected. 

CAROLYN: I was wearing red satin running shoes. I love mixing things up for sure. It’s a big part of my style. Always. I’ll wear running shoes with a long dress or the feathered sweatpants. Those are Dries van Noten. He’s one of my all-time favorite designers. I love the way he mixes textures and patterns and that whole vibe. His pieces are worth the investment because they’re so timeless and interchangeable.  

BRENDA: What’d missing from your closet?

CAROLYN: Organization.

BRENDA: LOL!!! I wasn’t expecting that one.

CAROLYN: And the purple lame jacket with pink appliqués from Dries Van Noten’s 2015 collection. I think we all have (and remember all too clearly) the “One(s) That Got Away!”

For sure the vintage Vuitton bag with hand-painted wisteria I saw in Harvey Nichols a few years back. And a mint green ultra suede shirtdress! LOL!

But honestly, I think nothing, really. Like I said, I have these fabulous young women in my life who can both wear my clothes and shoes, so I’m loath to part with too many things. There’s probably just way too much in there. Especially jeans. And I’ve always loved coats. They’re one of my fashion passions, and here I’ve lived in Santa Barbara for 30 years, so not much call to wear coats!

BRENDA: I love coats as well, but San Antonio may be freezing on Christmas Day and 88 degrees the next day, so we don’t wear many here either. I have a whole closet full of nothing but coats and occasionally I’ll open the door and say, “How y’all doin’ in there?”


BRENDA: Before I let you go, what’s your favorite martini these days?

CAROLYN: Ketel One straight up with onions and olives on the side.

One of Carolyn’s pomegranate martinis!

BRENDA: A number of years ago you posted something about pomegranate martinis and I started making them. It was after breast cancer, so I told myself it was good for my immune system.

CAROLYN: Lots of antioxidants in those. I recently discovered espresso martinis. I know I’m super late to this little party, but I’m staying late!

BRENDA: Oh, wow!

CAROLYN: Oh, wow! They are SO good.

BRENDA: Do they take you up, down, or sideways?

CAROLYN: All ways. They take you for a spin. I had my first one in Geneva this summer. They are fantastic. I love cocktails…the art of the cocktails…the glasses, the embellishments, the colors. I love cocktail books. I have a great collection of both vintage books and new ones. I will mix us up something special when we finally meet in person!

BRENDA: Deal! You are a love. Thank you so much for your time. I had fun.

CAROLYN: Me, too. Thank you so much for inviting me!

Please leave me and Carolyn a comment or a question and then visit Cindy Hattersley’s blog to see who she’s featuring today. 

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  1. I want to be Carolyn. How I love her boho style but it does not work on me. Really enjoyed this interview. Brenda when your book comes out I will feature you on my blog. We can do a Q and A. I love your writing and your stories are fascinating.

    • Hi Hilda, Isn’t she fabulous? While the boho style may not work for everyone, she’s raised some great points we can all take to heart such as not dressing like we’re trying too hard and not feeling pressured to stop being true to our style just because we’re growing older. Those were two big takeaways for me. Thank you for your kind words about my writing. I always love seeing you here. xoxox, Brenda

  2. This made me lol. Being one check box away from the end resonated! I love Carolyn’s style and attitude. Thanks!!

      • Ditto, Teri! I think it’s safe to say we’re all members of the Slim Paley fan club. Thanks so much, Brenda

    • I agree, Marsha! Carolyn is a treasure! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I appreciate you. xoxox, Brenda

  3. I’ve seen her on Instagram and wondered if Slim Paley was her real name. So clever how she came up with it. Just love her style. Thanks for this great story.

    • Good Morning, Arlo! I know she appreciates your comment! Thank you so much. You’ve gotten to be a regular, so I’m always happy to see you. xoxox, Brenda

  4. Her clothes are “fahbulous (imho).” I’d love to wear those sweatpants but I’d look ridiculous. How do I wear something like that? What style!

    • Hi Joannie, Yes, Carolyn has great style! While we can’t all wear the same colors or pieces of clothing, we can experiment with stepping outside of our comfort zone. What if you find an outfit you like on Instagram or Pinterest and try to find pieces that are the same colors and general style? Try them on in the store and see what you think. A huge part of pulling off something like Carolyn’s feathered sweatpants is attitude and the other items you wear with it. You’ll notice she dressed them down with what looks like a soft blue chambray shirt, which is something we’d all feel comfortable wearing. In other words, she wasn’t trying too hard, so the shirt took the edge off of the pants, and you can tell by her expression that she feels good wearing them. You might surprise yourself at how much you like a style that’s not you. xoxox, Brenda

  5. Hello Carolyn! I love learning more about you and your style. This was such a great interview. I’ve stopped wearing foundation but I need a little something, so thanks for talking about tinted moisturizer. Brenda, you’re the best! I look forward to seeing an email from you and your story about Carolyn is a perfect example. Have a great day, ladies! Xo, Barb

    • Thanks for the great comment, Barb! Carolyn’s given me pause for thought about foundation as well. I wear a foundation with a very light coverage and don’t use powder, except to set the concealer under my eyes and even that is with a very light hand. xoxox, Brenda

  6. Hi Brenda

    Slim “aka Carolyn” leaves a comment on my Instagram account now and again. Guess who I planned to ask for an interview? You beat me to it!! I adore her style in decor and fashion. I have featured snippets her former Montectito home on my blog over the years. I am so jealous you interviewed her first! No not really. I am just so happy to learn more about her. Her humor and wit are intoxicating. Just love her! Great interview!

    • That’s funny, Cindy, but I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m a design/architectural student and all of her homes are designed and styled with the same great eye she uses when choosing her clothes. Carolyn has such style and talent and I find myself studying her attention to details like the black iron that frames the windows and doors and adheres to the curves of the architecture. Her style with everything she does is chic and brilliant. xoxox, Brenda

  7. Brenda, great interview! You both have fab style! Aging ain’t easy, but you two are head of class in beauty and elegance! Essential to have sense of humor and the expresso martinis seem to help with that! Have a wonderful Italian journey! ‍

    • Hello Fifi!!! When my manuscript is out of my hands I need to be more regular on Instagram so I can see what you’ve been doing. Thanks for the note and for stopping by. Wish you were joining us in Italy. Ciao! xoxox, Brenda

  8. Hi Brenda, Lovely to read your blog and I love Carolyn gorgeous wardrobe. Re the fabulous panne velvet trousers with champagne stains on, try washing them, by hand in cool water and hand washing detergent! I have used this method on my silk velvet trousers ,and it works , Drip dry and then shake well. Very gently steam iron on the wrong side. Worth a try if you can’t wear them anyway. Best wishes from Judy in Brighton UK

    • Hi Judy, Thanks for the great suggestion for her fabulous pants. That outfit is to die for. She must have been heartbroken about the champagne. Don’t know if “time” is the enemy. If the champagne’s been there so long that it makes it impossible to get it out, but a good thought for sure. Wonderful to see you here. Please stop by again, Brenda

  9. I love that she doesn’t bow to the pressure of the little boxes that tell us we should no longer dress the way we once did. We have to adjust here and there, but I want to “go out” being true to myself. Great interview, Brenda. Thank you Carolyn!

    • Here, here, Ronnie! Let’s not be intimidated by the “what we should wear” crowd. We should also not let ourselves be intimidated by the women around us who may not dress the same way. Depending on my different circle of friends, I’m often out of step with other women’s styles and that’s okay with me, because I’m being true to who I am. xoxo, Brenda

  10. Oh My Gosh!!!
    Hello Slim remember me from the Carol Burnett Special a few years back?I had Sandra SALLIN next to me and you!But we both said Hello and I of course read your blog for years!!
    I had no idea who your hubby was or is as I’m not a big TV fan but I do recall someone baked him cookies!!!
    Now I have so many remarks let’s see if I can remember!!Japan modeling days!Did you know Brenda Welsh?She is a friend I met here on IG!Sri Lanka is one of my favorite places in earth!I was there in 1981 and feel our hotel was right on that beach behind you!Elephants were walked on the beach!
    “Elegant Hoarder “I love that!Perfection!I do the same have stuff for years!!I too have two sons and hope one day the Girls will want!
    As for red lips and cleavage I agree!!!
    Packing we are twins in that department!
    Like how you said you gravitate to others who dress with the same flair!Hard to find in my circles but I do ADORE Lotusland!
    Delightful interview Brenda!!You we’re right in telling me I would Enjoy this ONE‼️

    • I think you said it all, Elizabeth. I’m glad you enjoyed our interview. I’m devastated to learn Banksy died. Blessings. xoxox, Brenda

  11. awesome article! thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and happy chatter. Love Slim’s style and her vibe – have followed her sweet life on Ig for a bit.
    I think finally Santa Barbara, and Slo in my case, can bring out those amazing winter coats, sweaters, scarves and the like as we are having WINTER!!!!
    Needed a bit of inspo this morning – thank you Ladies!

    • Thank you, Dianne. I’m delighted you found inspiration from our chat. I enjoyed getting to know a bit more about her. Bundle up and grab your umbrella! Brenda

  12. Brenda you and Carolyn are delightful. I too was obsessed with fashion magazines but no longer purchase them. I have issues of Vogue and Glamour from the 1970s I can’t bear to part with. Fashion magazines are dreadful now and it’s not because I’m older. Love decor magazines still!

    • So happy you enjoyed our conversation. It was fun! I used to love magazines and catalogs, but like Carolyn, they’ve left me feeling ignored and uninspired. I think blogs and social media have filled in the gap for most of us. Be well. xoxox, Brenda

  13. I can echo so many of the same thoughts. This was a great interview and like several people said, you’re both beautiful stylish women of a certain age who inspire the rest of us. Thank you!

    • Very kind of you, Teri. Thank you. I’m sure Carolyn is grateful for the compliments as I am. xoxox, Brenda

  14. Great interview! I use to go to her page weekly, one of my favorites was red stripes. And when she said about her Christmas tree that b@#%$ is up! I roared. She is a down to earth and stunning creature. She has a beautiful life and enjoys herself! What is better than that! Thanks Brenda for another beautiful post! We may have a situation in the back area but boy oh boy are we ready to have fun. I’ve never had a martini, but hmmmmmm.


    • Hi Kim, She is delightful. Getting to know a little more about her was so much fun. Perhaps you and I should get together and introduce you to martinis!! Yes? I think that’s a great idea. xoxox, Brenda

  15. What an inspiring interview. Style in abundance, but not carefully orchestrated, rather spontaneously created. A lesson to us all, both for those insights, as well as the welcome snapshot of the panacea that is charm.

    • Hello Sweet Man! You pop up in the most unexpected places, and I love it! Should Carolyn read this, I want her to know Jack Simpson is the epitome of style and charm. Check out his Instagram page. You’ve nailed one of the best messages from Carolyn: Don’t look like you’ve carefully orchestrated what you’re wearing. Easier said than done, but she has that ability. Sending you my best today, Jack. xoxox, B

  16. Slim’s blog was my first love on Instagram. Such style, taste and talent. I second everything that has been said. I do miss you on instagram and those sweatpants. Heaven!!! You’re the top!!!!!

    • Hi Sandy, You are obviously a member of the Slim Paley fan club. Thanks so much for reading and leaving us a comment. xoxox, Brenda

  17. A great interview with a very interesting girl.
    Love the fact she wears little makeup like me, but disagree on the red lipstick I am definitely still a red lipstick girl at 80.
    You have packing sussed like me, and I find when away I combine combinations I haven’t tried before with success.
    Have a great fun trip to Italy sounds fabulous, wish I was coming xxxxxxxx

    • Hi Jo, You’re one of the lucky ladies who can wear red lipstick. I’ve tried, but I wind up looking garish and older than I am, and you can see my lips coming from down the street. They might as well be done in neon. I wish you were coming to Italy as well. When’s your next trip to France? xoxox, Brenda

  18. Fantastic interview what a fabulous lady !! I can’t wear red lipstick either and l agree about foundation.
    Thank you ladies that was fun !!

    • You’ve made my day, Francesca! What a nice comment. And I hope you have a wonderful day as well. Thanks for reading, Brenda

  19. Brenda – wow! I’ve followed Slim Paley (Carolyn) for years. This was such a fun surprise. She’s one of those effortlessly, elegant woman who the rest of of would love to be. Enjoyed this so much. xo

    • Juliet, I thought of you when she and I started talking about cocktails! So happy you enjoyed our conversation! Thanks! xoxox, Brenda

  20. I really love this interview. So much fun . It is relatable that I had to forward it to 2 of my BFFs…one in Fiji and one in NZ.

    • Thank you so much, Kini! That’s what Carolyn and I were hoping for: relatable and inspiring. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before. Where do you live? Please come back! Brenda

    • Thanks Gray. I enjoyed Cindy’s piece about you and can relate to dealing with grief. I didn’t know that about you. Unfortunately I know all too much about grief and have written about it a lot. Here and on other publications. xoxox, Brenda

  21. Great interview. Slim’s humor is cleverly wicked, her eye for style is equal to Tom Ford. Every Sept 5th I post to Slim hbd with wishes I hope she’s traveling somewhere wonderful and to show I’m not a stalker I post it’s my son’s bday and that’s the tie in.

    • She’ll be glad to hear that, Wendy. “Cleverly wicked.” That’s a good phrase, and I agree with you about her style. I’d love to have her take me shopping. Thanks again, Brenda

  22. Brenda, What a super fun interview! Love Carolyn and her blog and was an original fan. She’s also always been the nicest person. She inspires me hugely with her travel and style. Her California cool really has always resonated with me! I followed her when her boys were young and having two boys myself, I could relate. Really miss her blog, but seems like she’s living her best life and we get to still follow along occasionally.

    • What a lovely comment, Kim. Thank you. “Her California cool… ” You got that right. She’s chic and real and delightful. xoxox, Brenda

  23. Wonderful interview. I’ve seen “Slim” for several years while following Dennis Miller on Instagram. It’s fun to learn more about her. Fascinating woman! Thanks for sharing this.

  24. I just read this fabulous conversation between the two of you! So fun and you talk about real issues we care about. Both of you! Thanks so much!

    • Hi Sarah, I appreciate you and am thrilled you liked it and left us a comment. Thank you, Brenda

  25. Hi Brenda,

    Carolyn is her own person a pure delight.
    It’s so refreshing the way everyone expresses
    them selves so differently.

    Thank you both.

    • You’re welcome, Katherine, and thank you for reading and letting us know you enjoyed it. And you’re right about Carolyn: She is a delight! xoxo, Brenda

  26. I felt like I could jump right into this conversation with you ladies! Carolyn sounds like someone I would gravitate to at a party as well- just “knowing” she had the sort of spirit I know and love in people that bring a spark into my life! Every aspect about her is classy, stylish, timeless, and still, she is absolutely down to earth and lovely. Thank you Brenda and Carolyn!♥️

    • I love your comments, Jane! We had fun and I’m glad you felt like you were right there with us. You may have captured her best with “Every aspect about her is classy, stylish, timeless, and still, she is absolutely down to earth and lovely.” I agree! Thank you, Brenda

  27. Nice and informative post, Thanks for sharing this. I really love your all content & really appreciate the research work. Keep Sharing

    • Thank you so much, Fedrey. It takes a lot of work to do a blog so I’m grateful you appreciate the effort. Brenda

  28. Brenda, I love your conversations with these fabulous women you know. It makes me feel like I’ there as opposed to the standard Q&A. Great job. Carolyn has taught us many things including understanding what looks good on us, even jewelry. I don’t think most of us are that self aware, but it’s given us something to think about. BTW I love your blogs and look forward to them!!

    • Hi Bobbie, I’m delighted you enjoy my blogs. That’s why I write them, hoping they will give readers something to think about and entertain them as well. Carolyn’s helped all of us understand that there’s more to dressing than just putting on a pair of pants and a shirt. It’s the whole package and to do it well, it’s knowing what looks good on us, not the price of our clothes. Thank you. Come see me again! Brenda

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