
I’m concerned about someone I love right now. I’m worried she’s unhappy and that her unhappiness is propelling her out of her current situation and into one that could be worse.

And thus, happiness has been weighing on my mind of late. Her happiness, my own, the happiness of the world at large. Yes, there have been some deep thoughts on the subject.

Happiness. It’s hard to measure, difficult to define and intangible. But I’m not here to write about this complex topic, all I would like to do is share a list with you today.

It’s my 100 words of happiness. There’s no specific reason for selecting 100 words, the number simply felt right. Your list may have more words, or it may have less. I’m aware that some of my words may not make sense to you and the list is in no particular order, although some words mean more to me than others.

What I do know, is that just writing this list made me very happy indeed. Now, if only it were so simple to help my dear friend.

Laughing. Hugging. Holding hands. Family time. Babies. Our countries. Friends. Connecting. Community. Deep conversations. Health. Walking. Sweating. Massages. Bubble baths. Curls. Red nail polish. Cotton dresses. Flip flops. Big earrings. Being home. Clean laundry. Crisp sheets. Fresh flowers. Candles. Music. Rainy day movies. Dancing. Farmer’s markets. Red wine. Cooking. Hot chocolate. Champagne. Fresh bread. French butter. Cheese. Cake. Chocolate. Reading. Learning. Writing. Creating. Photographs. Notebooks. Blank pages.  Journaling. Traveling. Blue skies. Sunshine. Heat. Beach. Ocean. Swimming. Sunsets. Sunrises. Palm trees. Exploring. Picnics. Campfires. Autumn. Blossom. Anticipation. Dreaming. Planning. Becoming. Smiling. Silence. Simplicity. Sleep. Animals. Art. Helping. Gifting. Giving back. Gratitude.

Do you have any of you own happy words that you care to share?



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Esther Zimmer is an Australian writer, lifestyle coach and personal stylist based in London. She believes everyone has a calling, and it’s not necessarily just one thing. The home she shares with her husband, David, is filled with art and books, and her favorite pastime is packing a bag and heading somewhere new. Esther writes about life, relationships, body image and travel and can be found at

11 thoughts on “100 Words of Happiness”

  1. Beautiful, Esther! And right where my mind is at…simplicity. I’m taking a class on Simplicity that a friend is leading. I’ve met new people, and already, it’s made a difference in my day-to-day level of observation…just being present in the moment. Thx!

    • Hi Valerie! Thank you! A class on Simplicity? That sounds fabulous! I’m glad you’re enjoying it and I couldn’t agree more that learning to be present in the moment can make a difference to our everyday. Thanks for commenting! Esther xx

    • Simplicity! Now that kids are gone and we’re redefining where we see our lives going, simplicity is in order. Thanks for sharing! xoxox, Brenda

  2. I’ve made lists of words for other things, but not happiness. I will do that, now! Thanks. xoxo, Brenda

  3. To barter my happiness is not a situation I would want to be in. To your list I would add; my cats, ice cream, blueberries, fresh snow.

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