The computer startup screen and Ramborella logo™ designed for me by the friend who nicknamed me Ramborella™
The computer startup screen and Ramborella logo™ designed for me by the friend who nicknamed me Ramborella™

When I was in my 30s, a friend nicknamed me Ramborella.™ Because I raced cars, interviewed drug lords and searched for buried treasure, he said my adventurous nature made me part Rambo and part Barbarella. While I liked being compared to Jane Fonda, it was Barbarella’s and Rambo’s survival instincts I admired.

Perhaps Ramborella should be one of the definitions of “woman.” Ramborella is a woman who goes to great lengths to survive what life puts in her path.

We’ve all been led to believe that since caveman days, the female picked the male who was the best provider and the best opportunity for her children to survive, while she stayed home. However… The journal “Nature” published findings that’s turned this long-held belief upside down. Their findings indicate it was more common for “pre-human” females—not males—to be the gutsy ones who first left their birth place in search of a life… and yes, the ideal mate. But wait…There’s more! “Nature’s” findings went a giant step further:

“The differences in mineral variation between the male and female teeth have paleontologists believing that women were charged with leaving the nest, while the men stayed behind, holding down the fort.”

If this is true, the general consensus about DNA-based gender roles and the stronger sex is wrong. For women, this doesn’t come as a surprise. Women have always gone to great lengths to survive what life puts in their path, plus name me one man who would do childbirth a second time. I’m just putting a name on it: Ramborella is the female “survivor gene.”

Even before my friend called me Ramborella, I’ve always known I was a survivor. When I was six weeks premature, I was reportedly the first Rh-Negative baby to survive a complete blood transfusion. It’s just been in the last 10 years I began talking about survivorship, beginning with my breast cancer site and now on We’ve all survived something. That’s what women do. Survival’s a combination of tremendous personal strength, answered prayers and the kindness of friends and strangers alike, but I want women to do more than just survive. I want us to flourish!

If today finds you down or a bit lost, I hope you can EMBRACE YOUR INNER RAMBORELLA. I promise you: She’s there! Summon the strength and reach out until you find what you need to pull yourself up. Seize this time to make life count for it will never come again, girlfriends. This is your time. How are you going to spend it?

If this post resonates with you, I hope you’ll share it with a girlfriend and leave me a comment below.

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14 thoughts on “Ramborella The Female Survivor Gene”

  1. I believe it. The thing is, we don’t realize it’s our innate strength that kicks in when needed so we don’t honor it as we should. Try complimenting a woman for exceeding limits and she, most likely, will demure and say it was nothing. I’ve done it myself but, I don’t anymore. Society is changing and we are the catalysts to keep that change coming. Great post, Brenda!

    • Mithra! You’re cute! Let’s not forget our Ramborella parachute. Wouldn’t that look awesome, descending through the clouds and backlit by the sun? xoxox, Brenda

  2. Paula, You understand the Ramborella spirit and work to encourage it in women and men alike! I’m sorry you’re struggling with something but know you’ll draw on your inner Ramborella and find the answers that work for you. xoxox, Brenda

  3. Brenda, as we chatted about recently, in Genesis 2:18, woman was created as an “ezer,” which has been translated helpmeet implying weakness. However, the Hebrew word ‘ēzer appears twenty-one times in the Old Testament, often in parallelism with words denoting “strength” or “power.” So God intended that we be strong and powerful as we stood by men, definitely the Ramborella spirit!

    • Susan, I didn’t notice that, and I’ve read the Old Testament at least five times. At the moment, however, ‘ēzer makes me think of “geezer,” as in “old geezer,” which is a male who probably survived to be that age because he had a Ramborella in his life. xoxox, Brenda

  4. My Ramborella is out in full force at the moment! It hasn’t always been that way though and talking to a friend who’s survived some tough times in her life last night, we were discussing why. I think as women we naturally undermine our own strength, we get through things and we move on and forget to give ourselves credit for what we’ve endured and how much we’ve survived. My friend blew me away with her admissions last night and whilst I already knew she was strong, this took things to a whole new level. And yet she doesn’t see herself that way. Although after our conversation, maybe she will start to, plus I’m forwarding her this post! Essie xxxx

  5. Essie, Women rarely see themselves as Ramborella because surviving and helping others is just what we do. I hope she gives herself what sounds like the credit she should. Thank you, friend. xoxox, Brenda

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