
Remember the old I Love Lucy episodes where she tries to sell Vitameatavegamin on television, or the one where she wraps chocolates on an out of control assembly line? It seemed like everything Lucy tried was fraught with problems from the get-go. Yes, she was a bit of a dingbat, but her biggest problem was she never thought about doing things that were suited to her abilities or her needs. I’m involved with something that could have helped Lucy.

I’m part of an impressive group of women over 50 who are breaking the stereotype of what it means to grow older and create the next phase of our lives.

At more than any other time in history, women over 50 are at a career crossroads. Last weekend one of my best girlfriends was wondering what she’ll do when she retires, and she’s not alone. Like my friend, there are millions of women who are retiring or want to change jobs within their industry. Many women would like to launch a business or a side gig, but don’t know what next steps to take. And of course there’s Covid, which has done away with hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of jobs, or at the very least, made them more difficult. 

Women over 50 are also leaving their jobs in droves in search of work that feels more meaningful. They want a job that makes an impact while allowing them time for the things they love. The hard part is discovering that job, then wondering what next steps to take to make it a reality. We’re also afraid of being discriminated against because we’re over 50, 60, even 70 and 80. 

Most of us hear the clock ticking, but we don’t know what to do about it.

This is not my usual kind of blog—LOL! I’m not sure I have a “usual” blog—but you know me well enough that I wouldn’t lend my name or be part of something if I didn’t think it had real value and the potential to be a game changer.

To help women change their career by the end of the year.

If you recognize yourself in any of the women I’ve described, you might consider registering for a LIVE, FREE talk this coming Wednesday, September 29th at 1pm EST, or Thursday, September 30th at 7pm EST. I’ll be there, listening, because it will give us 3 specific strategies we can start working on immediately to get clarity, lift off and traction in a new direction. 

This program is part of something called Camp Reinvention, and it’s aligned with one of my core beliefs: Make Life Count. I put these words under the 1010ParkPlace logo. It’s also the hashtag I use on all of my Instagram posts, #MakeLifeCount along with #WhatAreYouWaitingFor? I use these phrases because they’re engrained in who I am. They’re part of my DNA.

I’ve had a number of careers, and I’ve survived the unimaginable, and each time I get up and charge at life again, because the alternative scares me. If I’ve learned anything it’s that it’s never too late to do something new and different. When we step outside of our box, that’s where the good stuff is.

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Hi Girlfriends,

I’m proud to say that 1010ParkPlaceTM has been voted one of the Top Ten Blogs for women over 50: the best-educated, wealthiest, most powerful demographic in history.

Here you will get a glimpse into the lives of other women, learn how they handled things life put in their path like divorce, the death of a spouse, serious health issues, low self-esteem, addiction and how to reinvent yourself after a major life change. You will find like-minded women and relevant conversations about finances, fashion, sex, books, music, films and food. We feature interviews with inspiring women along with straight-talk and bold conversations to reawaken your passions and make life count.

Brenda’s Blog has between a 58.4% and a 68.7% click thru rate, which is unheard of. My readers tell me it’s because I’m sassy and transparent, they trust me and no topic is off limits.

Tell your girlfriends, sisters and coworkers about 1010ParkPlace. We have lots of exciting interviews planned and stay tuned for updates about my memoir! 

#WhereStyleIsAgeless   #MakeLifeCount   #WhatAreYouWaitingFor

7 thoughts on “ARE YOU AT A CROSSROADS?”

  1. Thankyou , I am charging on , using pencils, paints , acrylics, water colours a completely different medium for me at 79 yrs.
    I have always charged on in my own way, luckily my husband was open to changing tack in our 57 yrs of marriage. Travelling aro7nd Europe for a year in 1970 with our 2 yr old daughter. Buying Mt Michael a badly rundown Sheeprun of 2000 acres , hubby still headmaster of a local school to help pay the bills, me creating woven floor rugs and then amazing technic9lour coats that sold for a small fortune, developing the property , entertaining friends and overseas guests. Then me playing the sharemarket to get funds for a camping trip around Europe for 5 months our children now 17 and 13 , we did it, fantastic memories. Home to work work work, then the thought we could sell and move to the city where the children went to University . Creative selling of the property to maximize income by me of course. Hambledon a original Victorian mansion in the center of Christchurch then became our home and business for 16 wonderful years. Then earthquakes, destroyed so much of our beautiful city, moving to Auckland nearer to family , here we are St Heliers overlooking city and sea. Sorry about all that, got a bit carried away with life haha , keep inspiring people they need it. As my lovely daughter says, mum some people aren’t as able as us !

    • Hi Jo!! I love getting to know more about you. Love, love, love it!! Following you on Instagram just gives me snippets here and there. If we lived closer I would be there in a heartbeat for lunch or drinks. You’ve done so many BIG things that took hard work, research, determination and talent. Now I want to see the coats you made. If you’re so inclined, please email me some photos! I listen to the news about the Covid lockdown there. Does it make you feel like you’re being held prisoner? Do you think it’s helping with the spread of Covid? Thanks so much for sharing your story with me! Love, Brenda

  2. Dearest Brenda, yes this has been a ghastly year, when we were free of Covid Calvin had to go through a course of chemo, so for six months we were pretty much housebound. For a person like me not being able to plan trips away even within NZ instead of overseas has been ghastly. So I too up panting. Calvin became enamoured with it as well so I taught him what I was taught omg. The laughs. Just yesterday his blood tests suddenly appeared normal so though there is no energy he is fit for travel once we are out of lockdown. We haven’t been able to visit daughter Amanda and her lovely family for two years in Melbourne, nor them us oh the sadness of it all. I digress would love to have you around for a meal or to stay a lot of talking to do we are just a bit geographically challenged at this time . I will send some photos certainly . You take care yourself and as you do 3njoy life , much love xxxx

    • Jo, I have images of you and Calvin, painting together and laughing and it brings me smiles. I’ve had chemo so I know how it flattens you and leaves you with the mental determination to keep going, but no energy to carry it out. This will pass and hopefully covid restrictions can allow you to see your family. Since his immune system has taken a beating, perhaps the isolation has kept him safe from big things like covid and little things like a cold, which can mushroom into something big before you know it. I know we’re all wondering if there will ever be an end to this. Love, Brenda

  3. Hi Brenda

    Great post! This should be so beneficial for anyone trying to reinvent themselves ar our age. I guess I did that with my blog, and have never looked back.

    • I’ve done the same thing, Cindy, but blogging isn’t for everyone. Hopefully this webinar will give women some ideas about what to do in this next phase of their life. I can’t imagine doing nothing. I need purpose and things that engage my mind and make me feel like I’m making a difference, however small it might be. xoxo, Brenda

  4. Hi Brenda, I already started a “late in life career” but had to drop it temporarily for a couple of years for reasons I won’t go into now. My big crossroads is that my husband of 34 years is dying of cancer of the esophagus and I’m devastated. Do you have any good books, links, blogs, etc. for widows?

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