
As I plunged into the cool inky sea, I knew this would be a moment I would remember forever. With only the twinkle of the stars to guide us, we had returned to our boat, following a dinner of fresh seafood and local wine. Seven friends: We had shared an evening of amusing conversation and much laughter.

Cocooned by the darkness, my husband and I hesitated on the deck, waiting for the others to go below before slipping out of our clothes and into the ocean. This was the first time I’d been skinny dipping in years, and I was struck by how something so simple could feel so significant. The sensation of the sea against naked skin and our giggles ringing out across the water is what I’ll always remember about that night. Long after the memory of what we ate, drank or said has long gone.

There were so many holiday moments like this, which are already my favorite memories. But they weren’t the things I’d been expecting to so fondly recall. I had expected it to be the sights we were keen to see and the activities we had planned that would leave an imprint on my mind.

Instead it was the unexpected that left its mark on me. It was the swim across a wide bay to a remote little bar, which served the most delicious drinks. The swim left me feeling invigorated and virtuous, and drinking post-lunch cocktails with just the sea and the bushy landscape for company felt like we’d found a place created just for us.

A trip to a beautiful, highly-anticipated town left far less of an impression on me than the unnamed cove where we moored overnight. The only ones to do so and a place I will never be able to find again, because I never really knew where we were to begin with. That night we watched the sky turn a vivid purple as the sun went down; the perfect backdrop for the fisherman who set his net in the fading light before turning to his companion – a big, black dog. He put on a show of affection for his furry friend who responded with enthusiasm. It was a touching sight to witness, this tender exchange between man and animal.

Hours later we sat listening to our evening soundtrack; the waves lapping gently against the waterline of the boat, one side of the cove lit up by the rising moon until it peeked over the rock cliffs and dazzled us with the fullness of its face. We had witnessed something special in that remote place with no name, which we fondly dubbed ‘The Wilderness.’

But when we look back on our lives I think it will mostly be like this: We’ll remember those small but special things we did and the times when something unexpected made a day stand out.

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Esther Zimmer is an Australian writer, lifestyle coach and personal stylist based in London. She believes everyone has a calling, and it’s not necessarily just one thing. The home she shares with her husband, David, is filled with art and books, and her favorite pastime is packing a bag and heading somewhere new. Esther writes about life, relationships, body image and travel and can be found at

9 thoughts on “It’s the Moments that Matter”

    • Lovely Anna, how nice to ‘see’ you here! Thank you so much for your comment, I too had forgotten how beautiful it is. And I love that thought, that maybe it simply reminds us of where we came from. What I do know for sure though, is that there will be a lot more naked swimming in my future! Ha ha… xx

  1. Such a wonderful memory. You described it beautifully that even though you may never be able to find it again you’ve shared it exactly as it was.

    • Hi Rena, thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it and writing about those moments has reminded me that it’s so important to go out and do things that become memories. I’m going to worry less about making beds, dinners and doing the ironing and get out more instead! 🙂

  2. Oh, I loved this. You’re spot on about the moments. And you’ve captured this one so clearly. I could feel the “cool inky sea” and hear the waves lapping. Haven’t skinny dipped since college and never have with my husband I don’t think. You’ve inspired me to change that!

    • Thank you for your comment, I’m so glad you enjoyed this piece, but I’m equally pleased that it has inspired you to get skinny dipping! It’s funny how we can tend to let these experiences go as we get older, but I know that I won’t leave it so long before I swim naked again! 🙂

    • Erotic is such a good word! Mind you, I’m not sure I would have enjoyed it quite so much had the water not been so warm…I’m a wimp when it comes to being cold, what can I say?! 🙂 xx

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