
I began my style blog journey about three years ago, and I do mean “journey.” Ever since I can remember, I’ve never shied away from taking style risks. But starting my blog, Style Nudge, somehow felt different. It was one of the biggest leaps I’ve ever taken. I’m a very private person, and the idea of putting myself out into the world was scary to me. But, inevitably, my passion for style creativity overrode my fears.

At first, I thought someone else should model my outfits, but it was my personal style that defined the blog. You can’t separate the style from the person… so it had to be me. Style is as much about “who” is wearing the clothes, as it is about “how” the clothes are being worn.

As a young girl I would play dress up for hours at a time, endlessly trying new and different combinations. I would wear things no one else would wear. I loved to find things around me that weren’t clothing or accessories to add to a look. This deep interest not only carried into my teenage and college years, but it grew and blossomed.

While traveling abroad I came across an unwanted, very distressed leather horse cinch and decided I would make it into a belt. So I threw it around the linen dress I found at a street market that day, and it was that perfect imperfect, unexpected piece that made the look. More recently I found a beautiful off-white, vintage lace window panel with ruffles at a local flea market, and it is now my favorite summer wrap. I’m always on the hunt for that one-of-a kind, imperfect piece.

When I look at the world, I’m not focused on the stars in the sky or how many light years away from earth they are, like my younger son in college, the aspiring astronaut. I don’t see life in the pages of a novel, like my oldest daughter, the aspiring writer. I don’t see through a camera lens like my youngest daughter, the aspiring photographer, and I don’t see the electrical wires that run from pole to pole, like my oldest son, who just got his first job as an engineer.

Rather I look at the world through style-colored glasses.

I always have. I see complex textures and patterns, vivid colors, and luxe fabrics, and how they can all work together. I’m always observing and thinking, searching for inspiration.  I’ve learned not to question, but to accept.


Over the years I’ve come to realize great style isn’t about having the perfect outfit. It’s about taking an outfit and making it yours. There is a perfect imperfection in being yourself. Don’t be afraid to show who you are through the way you dress. I pushed myself to take a risk when launching my blog and hopefully, by doing so,

I’m nudging you to take your own style risks.

It’s your one-of-a kindness that is perfect, and that’s how you’ll find your style. So embrace your imperfections. I certainly have.

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Cherie James is the creative force behind the popular style blog, Style Nudge. She’s a stylist, mother of two daughters and two sons, is crazy about her three poodles and a life-long collector of unique treasures. Cherie’s inspired by vintage and one-of-a-kind pieces, working like an artist to style people, places and things. Seeing the world through style-colored glasses, she believes clothes can only take you so far. It’s how you wear them that creates fabulous style. Her mantra is “style is more than what we wear. It’s about how we cultivate and live our lives.” Style Nudge focuses on nudging women to embrace imperfection, find their own style and take risks to express their individual personalities. Cherie believes, above all else, that style is ageless. She lives in New Jersey with her photographer–her youngest daughter–and her husband, who‘s her biggest fan.

24 thoughts on “Dress Up”

  1. Good Morning,

    I love to see you on Facebook and Pinterest but I would also love to receive your blog thru email. I try several times to sign up but nothing ever happens. please let me know what is wrong.

    • Hi Dianne, If you are also trying to subscribe to my blog, something was wrong with my subscription process, but now it is resolved. So, if you want to subscribe it works no!!

  2. Cherie, I so agree with you. Never knew you were a very private person. Indeed much difficult when you blog. It is easy for me being an extrovert. But I am not that good at styling and finding that one imperfect piece.
    I think you always look terrific and indeed unique. Keep up the good work.

    • Hi Greetje! We are old blog friends, I hope you are well. Thank you for your very kind words about my style.! XO, cherie

  3. You have a unique style. I think it’s brave to step out in such fashion.
    I tried to subscribe to your blog but it didn’t go through. It tells me to check my spam folder but it doesn’t appear. Can you sign me up from here, Cherie.

    • Thank you Joanna, sorry for any problems in subscribing if it is is my blog you are referring to. Everything is working now, so please pop over and subscribe, would love to have you. Cherie

        • It still doesn’t go through. I’m not even getting as far as ” check your spam folder…”.

          • I am so sorry Joanna, we are trying to resolve the problem. I thought it was resolved. These glitches are so frustrating. I will let you know as soon as it is up and running. Thank you for your patience.

  4. So proud of you Cherie! This is wonderful…and yes, you are my go to for style questions! What would I do without you!!!

    • You are so sweet Steph, thank you! You know I’m here for you anytime you have style questions! XO

  5. I loved reading your story. I have recently made my blog public– it is a scary, and soul-baring thing to do. I like seeing other women who have been successful with a risk they have taken. My children are grown, and my blog has become my “baby” in my new life. I’m enjoying it. I love your style and ideas about style and life!!

    • Thank you so much Sharon. I am so glad you have made your blog public. What is the name of your blog?

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