A self-discovery journey to find your purpose
A self-discovery journey to find your purpose

You, and everyone else talk of finding one’s purpose?  How the heck do you do that?  I would love a hint on how to take that first, second, third step to finding my purpose.  I am at a loss where to begin…..

What an excellent question from 1010 Park Place reader, Holly!

She is right…”purpose” seems to be a hot topic now, probably because there are so many of us living without it. In a world filled with possession-driven success and superficial relationships, we are searching for greater meaning and depth in everything we do.

You were created with a unique purpose to fulfill–you didn’t just randomly happen. Woven in your DNA are your unique gifts, personality traits and core values that support your purpose on your life’s journey. When you are living in alignment with that purpose and using your unique traits to the best of your ability, you flourish! You are more energetic, focused, motivated and confident, knowing you are on the right path. When you are off track, trying to travel a road that is not yours, you become frustrated, stressed, unhappy and confused.

Even Oprah champions the value of knowing your true calling, saying, “When you’re honoring your calling, there’s an undeniable sense of stimulation and exhilaration. It just feels so right.”

Now that you know the benefits of knowing your purpose, just how do you find it?

To really know who you are at your deepest core, and what you were created to do, you must spend some time in self-discovery. This priceless nugget of truth doesn’t come easily! But it is well worth the time reflecting, exploring and visioning to define your life’s purpose.

I recommend following these three steps, allowing yourself plenty of time to be quiet, pray, reflect and journal.

  1. Ponder your past. The word “ponder” means to consider something deeply and thoroughly, and that’s what you need to do as you think back on the times when you were happiest and most fulfilled. As far back as you can remember, when were you truly happy? What were you doing and who were you serving? When were you frustrated and unhappy, wishing you were doing something else?
  2. Examine Your Present. What things bring you joy, stir your passion and ignite your energy? What are your unique gifts, core values and personality traits? What comes easily? What do others praise you for? What do you wish you hadn’t said yes to?
  3. Vision Your Future. This is a time to cast a vision without limitations! Don’t worry about the “how,” just think about where you want to go. Where would you like to be both personally and professionally in one year, five years or 20 years down the road? If you knew you would not fail, what would you do? What would your work look like, and who would you be serving? Also, what do you not want to do? Think about that picture of yourself at 90 years old—what do you want to tell your family and friends you are most proud of?

Because your purpose is woven into the very fiber of who you are, you can’t help living it! Answering these questions and finding the common passions, words and actions will help you connect to your true calling, enabling you to create a truly flourishing future.


I am looking forward to “talking” with you here on 1010 Park Place. Please ask me any question and let me know how I can serve you best!

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Want to ask Susan your most intimate questions and have her address it in a future blog post? We keep everything anonymous, so ask those bold questions, ladies!

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Susan is passionate about helping women become stronger and more vibrant by helping them define what’s truly important in life. Like all of our Contributing Writers, Susan has found herself at a major crossroads. Her site was one of the top five resources for women over 50, but she felt it wasn’t enough. She now supports women—on a deeper level—and 1010 Park Place is excited to host Susan Tolles’ Q&A’s. She will answer your questions about integrating your life with your desires. Susan doesn’t do fluff. She digs deep. Want to create a legacy that goes beyond material possessions? Ask Susan! Susan can also be found at http://theflourishinglife.today

2 thoughts on “Digging Deep To Discover Your Purpose”

  1. “When you are living in alignment with that purpose and using your unique traits to the best of your ability, you flourish!” Yes! I truly believe this. Great advice to kickstart your new life.

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