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I’m beginning to think I missed something big on the news. Something catastrophic in nature—like perhaps the planets have fallen out of alignment, or the gravitational pull of the moon has increased to the point it makes men and machines malfunction and go wacko. Like my computer, that was hacked by an unknown Russian entity,

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It’s a new year, time to focus on your plan for a successful 2017—a time to dream big, set new

And you thought I just do surgery on knees and shoulders! But I’m not here to advise you on color,

I just returned from my honeymoon. We took a week on the Crystal Serenity and, boy oh boy… It was

For most of my life, I felt like a detached head, bobbing around separate to the body beneath.

Whether you’re acquiring art and objects for pure enjoyment or with an eye for investment; to begin a collection or

The first week of each new year, I devote time to reflecting on the previous year before I created a

For two days in a row, it took me 20 minutes to do my own makeup. I almost never do

I’m not big on resolutions, but I made one this year. I resolved to break up with Starbucks. My coffee

Many of you will come to know me as Dr. No. Often I find myself making recommendations NOT to do

In my last post, I promised to outline the most important things I did that helped me quit 30 years

From the time I was a baby I’ve loved the moon. My parents told stories of me standing in my

Over the holidays I read Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s. In the movie version, Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly character opens

That’s right! It’s pretty much what I tell most of my patients. “What makes your orthopedic surgeon money, is probably

I was doing some end-of-year organizing in my office when I noticed a small, worn book that carried a big

This afternoon I found myself thinking that the bronze beads in my new shower are a lot like life. If

If I see one more advertisement or an article about a diet that’s going to give me “The Best Body

Lately I’ve been having trouble being able to sit down and get things done. My mind feels unclear. Three months

I just received a compliment, and rather than taking the compliment to heart, “Yeah, but… ” was the first thing