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I’m beginning to think I missed something big on the news. Something catastrophic in nature—like perhaps the planets have fallen out of alignment, or the gravitational pull of the moon has increased to the point it makes men and machines malfunction and go wacko. Like my computer, that was hacked by an unknown Russian entity,

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A few years ago my husband built a butterfly garden in my backyard. It’s a beautiful space that attracts butterflies

How many of us have reinvented ourselves over the years, particularly as we find ourselves with an empty nest or

You know how some people say they don’t weigh themselves? I’m one of those. For some people, weighing themselves reassures

I just finished reading In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by one of my favorite authors,

If words have power (they do) and our thoughts create (they do) then we should pay much more attention to

While shopping for antique and vintage pieces, I’m always surprised at the devaluation of anything with a monogram. Whether it’s

A friend and I were having coffee when we started talking about how lovely it was not to go out

I am supposed to be doing my taxes so I can send them to the accountant, today. I meant to

Do you know these six, important, common misconceptions about osteoporosis?

My, how times have changed. There are two budding entrepreneurs in my neighborhood who occasionally have a lemonade stand close

Last week I was trying to write an article that just wouldn’t flow. Over the course of the afternoon I

Today I transferred the contents of my safety deposit box to another bank. The contents contained things you might expect

It’s still winter here in New York City. Even though it’s been a mild one, I still find that I’m

I grew up in the world of antiques and never left, sharing professional time as a dealer, auctioneer, lecturer and

When I was unpacking my dishes and cookbooks that had been in storage for 10 years, I took a break

Everywhere I go these days, I’m surrounded by Nomophobes. Whether it’s at a luncheon, a business presentation, or a casual

For two hours, I’ve been trying to get to my desk to work on my book, but first, there were

For March’s book club, we’re discussing Abby Fabiaschi’s novel, I Liked My Life. It’s a beautiful examination of grief, marriage,