
No. Don’t worry. Nothing’s wrong. Last night I attended Elton John’s Farewell Tour, one of 20,000 plus enthusiastic fans at the 200th performance of his Yellow Brick Road concert. Later, amped up by the energetic performances of Elton’s incredible hits, I lay awake listening to the rhythmic beat of a gentle rain. And I started thinking. 

What if I planned a farewell tour?

Please understand. I’m not delusional about being a superstar. I have no wild expectations of throngs of fans paying to see me on stage. Yet…. wouldn’t it be an amazing experience to “stage” one’s own farewell tour? And do it now – before it’s too late! 

Come! Join me. As a current friend, you are important to me. As someone from my scattered past, you were a vital person in my history. You and I are only acquaintances, and yet, I’m energized by your energy. So, come!

What would my farewell tour look like?

Together, we could sit on a giant rock above Lake Superior’s pounding waves in a wild summer nor’easter. Or relax in Adirondack chairs on a deck in the mountains of Montana to share a glass of wine on a crisp fall afternoon, listening to the gurgle of a nearby stream. If you prefer, come to a cozy cabin where we’ll sip a cup of steaming peppermint tea next to a roaring fire while snow piles up outside. Maybe springtime works best for you. Let’s take a walk in the park and stop to sit on a bench where we can watch Canadian geese return from their southern destinations and marvel at the buds ready to burst into abundant bloom. 

Let’s put a date on the calendar. Time for just the two of us. Time to share and build a stronger connection. Time to put aside the mundane and dive into the deep matters of our hearts. Here’s what’s on my mind:

  • What has been the highlight of our lives?
  • What brings us joy? What ignites our soul and opens our heart? 
  • Do we have concerns, fears or worries? What keeps us up at night?
  • Does the “sacred” play a role in our life? How are we influenced by things that are mystical, divine, religious, spiritual, or holy?
  • What song or piece of music inspires us? Why?
  • What book are we reading now? What’s our all-time favorite book? You know. The one that should be on everyone’s bedside table.
  • How would we describe your legacies?

My farewell tour is about deepening my relationships, sharing insights and wisdom, creating memorable experiences, and spending meaningful time with people who enrich my life.

Will you come to my farewell tour? I hope so.

Thank you for taking the time to be vulnerable with me and sharing what’s in your heart.

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Lee Peterson Baker

Lee Peterson Baker is a writer. Prior to retirement, she was a marketing communications consultant. Lee is married and the mother of two sons, one of whom is dyslexic. Her dyslexic son was diagnosed when he was in first grade at which time Lee added a new career to her life experiences. She became her son’s parent advocate, helping him navigate school with a learning disability. Lee threw herself into this role and considers it one her greatest sources of inspiration and achievement. She is currently working on a book, co-authored with her 28-year-old dyslexic son. It delves into the journey they shared together – the challenges, joys, pitfalls, and successes – and offers perspective on lessons Lee learned along the way, lessons she hopes will help other families, teachers, tutors, and anyone assisting children with learning disabilities. Lee calls Afton, Minnesota home as well as the special communities of Madeline Island in Lake Superior and Whitefish, Montana.

16 thoughts on “MY FAREWELL TOUR”

    • Good morning Karen….. Would love to hear your thoughts if you feel like it. Did any question leap out at you???

    • Yvonne – The concert was a treat! So much energy. Amazing band. I really give Sir John a lot of credit. He’s had a challenging life. Glad he’s stepping back to enjoy time with his family.

  1. Oh what a wonderful thought. I liked each of your settings to reminisce in. How fortunate to have favorite places and people to imagine sharing a farewell tour with. Mine would be sold out, I’m sure of it! I’m gathering with 10 college girlfriends for our 60th in June, and am thinking this blog post would be an interesting reflection for all of us. Maybe it’s more of a retirement tour or next stage tour…isn’t it always too soon for farewell? Thanks for sharing.

    • Oh Carol. You make me want to come to the reunion een though I’d be crashing the party! YES! What fun to pose these questions and see where the conversation goes. Please let me know how the reunion goes. I spent a long weekend with my dearest college girlfriends – roommates all 4 years! – last summer. We reminisced, took long walks, and stayed up late covering every topic under the sun – and moon! Let me know when/where you host your farewell tour. I’ll book a seat right now!

      • Ha! We were just outside Ludington, MI overlooking Lake Michigan! In fact, I took the photo of the heart shaped rock right there on the beach! Where did you go to college? I’m a Kenyon College alum

  2. Hi Hilda…. Yes! The concept makes you start wondering, doesn’t it. If you feel like writing back, I’d love to know how you’d shape your farewell tour. Have fun pondering the plans!

    OH MY GOSH that must have been AMAZING!
    ALTHOUGH I have asked a BLOG reader to write my SEND OFF BIT…..and she has NEVER MEET ME!

    • Dear La Contessa – If you ever want to jot down your thoughts on these questions, I’d love to listen. I know you have good insights and important perspectives to share. Lee

  4. This is beautifully written. So meaningful. I am grateful to have seen his concert a few weeks back @ Madison Square Garden and he was as good, if not better than 30 years ago! Certainly you’ve made me think about my own farewell tour now. Thank you.

    • Suelyn – I’m glad you made it to the concert in Madison. I hope you have fun planning — and staging — your farewell tour. If you feel like sharing, I’m all ears! Lee

  5. Interesting concept! Plan your own farewell tour? Hmmm I’m not ready to say “farewell” but it’s never to early to spend sometime thinking, planning…I know I would pick the ocean. I love to watch the waves and listening to the sound of waves crashing onshore. I grew up on the East coast and now reside on the West coast. Anytime there is a storm, I hop in my car and go to the shore where the only sound is the crash of water onshore, the wind and gulls. It’s wild but peaceful at the same time. You’ve certainly got me thinking – who and what is most important to me.
    On another note, not a fan of Elton John.

  6. Oh, Joanna – How I love knowing how important the ocean is to you. Such mesmerizing sounds. And you’re right…. it’s peaceful and wild at the same time. Maybe that’s what makes the seashore so alluring. I’m not ready to say farewell either. I have a lot more living to do. My hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations — it’s a long list. But how inspiring to dig in and identify what really important. Happy planning…. and wave at the Pacific for me next time your car transports you there.

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