
Poetry has never been my strong suit, but today I found a poem I wrote decades ago. I was old enough to have experienced deep loss and overwhelming fear, and yet, I had an inner strength and resilience. If nothing else, I’ve always been resilient. Since then I’ve discovered the answers to most of the questions I posed in my poem. Some of my assumptions were wrong, particularly the one about God, plus now I know dessert is always worth the calories, and when in doubt… overdress.

Wishing each one of you a happy and healthy New Year filled with love, forgiveness and optimism.

We won’t know until we get there if first grade will be hard or if the other kids will like us

If flu shots hurt or the tooth fairy really leaves a quarter under our pillow

If Brussel sprouts taste as bad as they smell will Mom make us clean our plate?


We won’t know until we get there if growing pains hurt and ugly ducklings grow into swans. Will I be one of them?

If our mothers were right and it stunts our growth or makes us go blind 

If blondes and bad girls have more fun? 


We won’t know until we get there if we’re overdressed or underdressed 

If tiramisu is worth all the calories

If grey hair is coarser than brown and will we look like Gramma Sadie when we get older?


We won’t know until we get there if it feels better to unburden our soul and our psyche and let go of the past

If we can forgive and move forward, beginning again instead of looking back

If it hurts when we die and can we survive the loss of a child? 


We won’t know until we get there if our minds will stay open and youthful when our bodies become bent and withered

If we’ll grow old with grace and dignity even if we’re alone and at the mercy of strangers

If God forgives us of our sins or does he drop us back in the ocean, not spiritually advanced for the kingdom of heaven?


We won’t know until we get there.


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24 thoughts on “UNTIL WE GET THERE”

  1. Beautiful, thoughtful poem Brenda. I agree: not only is dessert worth the calories… lately I’ve begun to think we should eat it first!!
    Thank you for an inspiring year. Cheers to a happy new one!
    XO Donna

  2. What beautiful, insightful words to end this year with. So many things we’ll never know until we get there.
    But the getting there is what makes us…us!
    Loved this!
    A huge Happy New Year to you, my friend!

    • Thank you, Diane! We are all individuals because of our DNA and the paths we carve for ourselves. Some turns we take are regretful, but we always learn something… That’s for sure! Happy New Year sweet lady!! Brenda

    • Victoria, From time to time we’ve all heard someone say, “I already know what that’s like… ” Even if we’ve been somewhere before, eaten at the same restaurant or done the same thing for Christmas, if we claim to “already know what it’s like… ” Then we’ve either got powers much greater than mine, or we’re not allowing for the possibility that everything changes. We just THINK WE KNOW, but we won’t really know until we get there and experience it. I hope you had a delightful Christmas as well and your New Year will be all you hope it will be! xoxox, Brenda

    • Mary Lou, “Live Life in the present… ” Well said!! And enjoy desert… I don’t eat it often, but when I do… I’m enjoying every bite. Thank you for reading and leaving me this awesome comment, Brenda

  3. Happy New Year, Brenda. May what you find there be love, grace, joy, and blessing! Love and appreciate you and all you share with us. You inspire us all.

    • Dear Sweet Beckye! I wish you find the same this coming year. Thank you for being on the other end of this digital thread, for reading and leaving me such supportive comments. I appreciate you… SO MUCH! Love, Brenda

  4. I love it Brenda! A smile crept across my face as your words sent my thoughts back to the times I wondered the same things and later discovered the answers … well maybe not every answer … As a young woman of only 23, it is obvious to me that words were already your strength, and that you were a fighter. Thank you for sharing. A very Happy New Year to you too, with extra blessings!
    P.S. What a beautiful picture!

    • Thank you, Cynthia. I’ve been a fighter since I was six weeks premature and an Rh Negative baby. I should have know I was a writer because I was always making notes in the margins of a magazine or a piece of paper. I’m wishing you a very Happy New Year as well. I appreciate the complements and that you took the time to write me, Brenda

  5. Lovely and thought provoking! Thanks for sharing it. You do have a way with words. And tiramisu is always worth the calories. 🙂 Happy New Year!

    • Hi Laurel, I remember the first time I had tiramisu. It was in San Francisco, shortly before I wrote this. Before then I’d never even heard of the word “tiramisu.” Strange the things you remember so many years later. Happy New Year to you!! Brenda

    • You’re sweet,, Haralee. I had to grow up quickly when I role reversed with my mother. I was 12. When you’re responsible for yourself and your mother things come into focus. Thank you… xoxox, Brenda

  6. My husband, youngest daughter and I shared a piece of a scrumptious ly delicious flourless chocolate torte topped with coffee gelato and fresh whipped cream the other night at a restaurant after a filling meal…and every.single.bite. was worth it!

    And, I firmly believe that we ARE forgiven ALL of our shizz by the God that loves us endlessly – it’s a trust thing for me.

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