
This has been a banner month for me, right up there with turning 21… and turning 40… and turning 50. I turned 65 last Sunday, November 6th. While that number seems a little shocking, it’s better than saying, “If I’d have known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”

Fortunately, I always eschewed junk food, loved to exercise, really enjoyed my work, partied just enough, took good care of both my skin and my state of mind, and mercifully, it has paid off.

The benefits of turning 65 so far have been:

  • I received a birthday card from the government – my Medicare card. I’m still not sure what it entitles me to and still not sure whether to laugh or cry.
  • For once the saying, “The check’s in the mail,” is true. I am drawing Social Security now, and a check really does arrive. However there is a teeny-tiny part of me that feels guilty. When it was deposited in my account, the first thing that ran through my mind was the Dire Straits song, Money for Nothing. I’m over that now.
  • It is a joy to not have to get ready every day and go to work, but I still keep a schedule, and I’m working with a coach. My schedule includes a couple of hours of daily writing – since I’m now working on my second book.
  • Because I am in charge of said schedule, I’m free to take “vacation days” whenever I see fit and the bank balance allows. I love to travel, so I see more of that in my future.
  • Errands now get run when I feel like running them!
  • Some days I only wear trashed jeans, a tee shirt, and moisturizer all day. However in the midst of all this, I find myself having moments where I feel like I’m a teenager playing hooky and might get caught.

Maybe that’s the blessing in all of this, I’ve skipped from wondering when I would truly be an adult, to feeling like a kid getting away with something.


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Donna O’Klock spent 35 years in the beauty business, talking, teaching, and learning. These days, she’d “rather write than talk. It’s better that way because I can edit.” She writes two blogs, and, and is the author of  Sick and Tired & Sexy: Living Beautifully with Chronic Illness.

Austin, Texas, has been her home since 1978, but she and her fiancé have downsized and are traveling the country in their RV.

15 thoughts on “Social Insecurity”

  1. Happy birthday . .I too turned 65 a few months back. Love being retired . Hubs semi..contracts sprung up the day after and now it’s ‘candy”- money…good bottle of eine,trip to see zGrands, of friends . ..enjoy! We’re in Midland if y’all feel like a road trip!

    • Well, thank you for that invitation, Joyce. If you ever hear an air horn out front, you’ll know it’s me!
      A very Happy Birthday to you, too!

  2. Well, thank you for that invitation, Joyce. If you hear an air horn out front, you’lol know it’s me!
    I’m sure I will chill out soon, and let myself relax and enjoy it,. A very Happy Birthday to you, too!

    • Thank you very much, Jen! Yes, I’d have to agree with you, most days I feel like I won the lottery. 😉

  3. I’m turning 69 in a few days. I also wish I’d taken better care of myself but I’m happy to still be here. Happy Thanksgiving! 2016 xo

  4. Thank you, Sandy, it was wonderful to be with dear friends and new friends. It was also freezing cold!
    I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

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