
I’ve been offered a publishing contract for my memoir, and I’m over the moon. Publishers schedule books a year in advance so my book will hit the shelves in May 2025. A year seems like a long time, but there’s a lot to do like edits, proofing and approvals, and getting the book cover designed. Then there’s a national public relations campaign that needs to be planned which will include special features for social media and YouTube. 

I’ve written this book for all of you because repeatedly, you’ve asked me to share more about my life. That wasn’t an easy thing for me to contemplate, much less write.

Because I’ve shared many threads of my life, you may think you know what my memoir’s about, but you don’t. My oldest and dearest friends know the bullet points of the book—some were there when certain events took place—but even they don’t know all the details. I will tell you it’s going to be shocking. Something you might not expect from me, but I think it will help you understand why I write so much about survival, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, finding your voice, and getting up and going after life again and again. 

For decades I didn’t feel safe enough to tell my story. Then there’s the matter of it’s a lot to take in. My late husband, James, (my second husband) was the only one who knew the specifics, and he came into my life after it had shattered into a million unrecognizable pieces. He gave me a soft place to fall, and I told him everything. All of it, because it was time to let it go. He made me feel safe, something that up until then had been only a word in the dictionary.

Over the years, you’ve asked me to tell you more about my life. More than I can fit into a 500-word blog. One of you—I don’t think she’d mind if I used her name, Esther Zimmer, made a comment on one of my blogs that started me thinking. Esther wrote, “If these are the stories you’re willing to share with us, what are the ones you haven’t told us?” Little did she know she had zeroed in on the million-dollar question. 

Did I tell you I’ve dedicated my book to all of you?

And because this book is dedicated to you, my readers, I have several perks planned just for you, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Plenty of time for that. I’ll keep you informed, and you will be the first to know anything new. 

Thank you for all of your encouragement and support over the years. I love reading your comments and interacting with you and discovering how many things we have in common. Women over 50 are a strong fierce group and as we move forward in our lives, I believe it’s more important than ever to be there and support one another. 

Thank you for reading what I write and for cheering me on as I continue to encourage all of you.

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Hi Girlfriends,

I’m proud to say that 1010ParkPlaceTM has been voted one of the Top Ten Blogs for women over 50: the best-educated, wealthiest, most powerful demographic in history.

Here you will get a glimpse into the lives of other women, learn how they handled things life put in their path like divorce, the death of a spouse, serious health issues, low self-esteem, addiction and how to reinvent yourself after a major life change. You will find like-minded women and relevant conversations about finances, fashion, sex, books, music, films and food. We feature interviews with inspiring women along with straight-talk and bold conversations to reawaken your passions and make life count.

Brenda’s Blog has between a 58.4% and a 68.7% click thru rate, which is unheard of. My readers tell me it’s because I’m sassy and transparent, they trust me and no topic is off limits.

Tell your girlfriends, sisters and coworkers about 1010ParkPlace. We have lots of exciting interviews planned and stay tuned for updates about my memoir! 

#WhereStyleIsAgeless   #MakeLifeCount   #WhatAreYouWaitingFor


    • Thanks, Rosemarie. Several people are referring to it as “a memoir that reads like a thriller,” so hopefully you will keep reading. Thank you for all of your support. xoxox, Brenda

      • I’m so Happy and excited for you! I only wish you had taken me up on going to our home in Telluride to write your book. So I could brag about it All things in their own time….This is your time my friend❤️

  1. YAY, YAY and YAY for you!
    Bonus for us, so looking forward to reading about your journey. I think you are ‘the bomb’; thank you for the dedication:-)

    • I appreciate you, Colleen, and your showing up and reading what I write. You’re amazing so I guess that means we have a mutual admiration society. xoxox, Brenda

  2. Yes, we all want to know more about you because you’re one of a kind and because you inspire us and cheer us on. Yes. you do that and you don’t know this but you’ve helped me a great deal with your blogs of encouragement so thank you! I will be the first in line to buy your book!

    • Awe, thank you Arlo. If I’ve played even a small part in helping or encouraging you, I’d be grateful. Thanks for telling me. xoxox, Brenda

  3. I’ve been reading your blog almost since you began it so I feel like we’re friends and I couldn’t be happier for you! Your stories are thought provoking and entertaining. I can’t imagine what your book is about but I’m more than ready. Have been for a long time. Good going girl! Xo, Barb

    • We ARE friends, Barb, and good ones! I got to know you early on because you always sign your comments Xo, Barb. Brava to both of us because we’re still here! Thank you, my friend. xoxox, Brenda

  4. It’s so cool that you’re sharing this. To have a lifetime that is worth a book means you’ve gone through a lot and did the work to tell about it. Brava you! Can’t wait to read it!

    • Thanks, Cynthia! I think we all have a lifetime that’s worthy of a book it’s just that most people aren’t as willing to put it all out there for everyone to read. LOL! Reminds me… My mother would sometimes say, “You don’t have to tell everything you know, Brenda!” xoxox, Brenda

  5. I’m a new reader. First time for me to leave a comment, but like the others I love your blog and want to know more about you. Congratulations Brenda

    • Oh, thank you for telling me, Nancy. I appreciate that you read my blogs and am happy you’ve left me a comment. I look forward to getting to know you better. Brenda

    Now we all have something to look forward too!Book signings?

    • Hi Elizabeth! Yes, lots of book signings around the country. You bet there will be one near you because I want to see you again and all the California women I love. Everyone who came to your house for lunch that day along with the Carmel group, the garden club near you, Juliette, etc. And I have no doubt about the “bells.” Love, Brenda

  7. I can’t wait – congratulations! You voice, strength, and encouragement are all things that us women need to hear and share more of with each other. Life is TOUGH and it’s a true gift to have your words of encouragement and wisdom. I am the eldest of my siblings and did not have a strong, female role model in my life so I have sought them through friendships and professionals. You’re like our online older sister/friend – your willingness to share and be the authentic and honest voice is unmatched.

    • You’ve made my day, Stacia! Thank you! Women make and need friends in ways men don’t. It’s crucial to our well-being. You play a big role in this because if you weren’t here to read my words then it wouldn’t matter. Thank you, younger sister/friend. I’m grateful for your note. xoxox, Brenda

  8. Congratulations Brenda!
    Looking forward to reading your memoir.
    Many Blessings to you.
    Teresa. AKA receptionist

    • Teresa!! So happy to see you here! Thank you, sweet lady, for leaving me a comment. I adore you! xoxox, Brenda

  9. I’m so excited for you and for all of us. You are our voice and whatever you’ve been through we have as well and you make us seen and heard. Thank you Brenda!

    • Wow! What a nice note, Janet. I think we do a pretty good job of making ourselves seen and heard, but I’m happy to play a little role in elevating that a bit. I appreciate you. Thank you. xoxox, Brenda

  10. Wow, Brenda … this is amazing news. Lucky publisher who snapped it up. I’m excited to follow along on your road to publishing. And of course to hold your true story in my hands next year. Congratulations! xo

    • Thanks, Juliet! You better bet I’m going to do a book signing in your part of the country so it will be great to see you. Thank you, again. xoxox, Brenda

  11. Fabulous news from a fabulous lady! Very excited foe you and especially to read and cherish it as you do to your readers! C O G R A T U L A T I O N S Brenda! You deserve it!

    • I appreciate your sweet words, Karen! Thank you! It’s a lot of hard work, and I’ve just begun. xoxox, Brenda

  12. I will be first in line to get the book Brenda. It had to have been cathartic to open your heart and life and put it all down on the paper. If anyone could, it is you! You are my heroine.


    • Shannon, The cathartic feeling didn’t kick in until much later. Writing this was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, and if all of us hadn’t been in Covid lockdown, and I didn’t have anything else to do, I might have thought twice about it. I still can’t believe I’m telling all of this. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda

  13. Absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on your book! May 2025 seems so, so far off… although like you said, there is still much to be done. Congratulations to you! We will eagerly await this treasure.

    • A treasure! LOL! We’ll see, Lisa. Several people have said “it’s a memoir that reads like a thriller,” so I hope you like thrillers. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda

  14. Dear Brenda,
    I’m so happy for YOU. To write your memoir is a huge accomplishment. You have so much ahead of you yet to do. I’m so looking forward to reading your complete life story. I know you have not had an easy life. No one ever does, maybe a few have had a cake walk, but that is not the norm.
    You are a survivor, nothing seems to keep you down. The word “moxie” comes to mind when I think about all you’ve been through and still power through. You are really a special lady.

    • Thank you, Katherine, and I feel the same about you. You’re brave and special. Just so you know, I’ve had a great life interrupted by some huge storms over the years, but I’m still here, and I’m so grateful. xoxox, Brenda

    • Hello Linda!!! How are you and your Annie? My Annie doesn’t have a role in my book, but yes… She has my heart. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda

    • It is great news! Thank you, Tinley! Is this the first time you’ve left me a comment? Hope to see you again, Brenda

    • Thank you, Jeannette. I can’t wait to hold the actual book in my hands. What a journey this has been. I hope you’ll like it. xoxox, Brenda

  15. WOW… Brenda, your blog has been words of wisdom for all of us for so long. Your openness and willingness to share, has made me stop and think, re-evaluate something I thought was the right road to take, and give me the strength to move forward. Fortunate for us, however difficult for you, I’m sure you memoir will be again…words of wisdom for all of us. Congratulations, can’t wait to read it! Keep us posted on your book tour schedule!

    • What a nice thing to say, Linda! I’m grateful I helped you in some small way. Thank you. Sometimes I think I should keep my mouth shut, then there are all the things I’d like to write about but have the good sense to reevaluate the situation and step away from my keyboard. LOL! If only my dog could talk… I’d be in real trouble! Thank you, again. xoxox, Brenda

    • Thanks, Penny. Yes, you’re the ones who’ve asked me repeatedly to tell you about the bigger picture of my life, so thank you… I think! LOL! xoxox, Brenda

  16. Congratulations Brenda!! Wonderful news about your book! I am looking forward to reading it here in Australia!!

    • Thank you, Robin! Wouldn’t it be great if I could find a way to come to Australia for a book signing? I must ponder that one. xoxox, Brenda

  17. Congratulations! Perseverance and courage have brought you to this day and I could not be happier for you! I will be the first in line to buy my signed copy!

  18. I don’t know if I can wait until your book’s published to find out what it’s about. Can you give us a clue? Please? So happy for you.

  19. How exciting to read this …and wait for your published memoir, Brenda. I have also lived a “rather interesting life” and sometimes wonder how I am still on this planet. More than one friend suggested that I should write my memoir, and that was back when I was 45! Now at 73 , and reading this, you have inspired me to “put pen to paper”. At the very least, perhaps a short biography for the grandchildren , who sadly I am not allowed to know, and see develop. Just one part of my life’s puzzle. Your courage is exceptional.

    • That’s great, Cath! Yes. Start writing! And you never know where the grandchildren situation will go. The final book on that painful relationship hasn’t been written so don’t give up. Continue to reach out. And like you, I’m amazed, a dozen times over, that I’m still here. Blessings to you. xoxox, Brenda

  20. Rejoicing with you!! This has been a long time coming! I had wondered Esther’s question and remember her asking it. I’m so grateful you have felt safe and have been able to let sunshine and light into the dark hidden places. Praying for healing and peace. Love you and am so excited for you!!! Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment!! Wa-hooo!

    • Hi Beckye! Thank you!! An earlier comment wondered if this has been cathartic for me. Not initially. Actually it took a long time for me to reconcile everything I’ve written in this book. I think the sharing it with the people who’ve read it has been what’s let the sunshine in. Wa-hooo, girlfriend! xoxox, Brenda

  21. Such great news Brenda! Writing a book would be a daunting task for me so yes, I cheer you on and look forward to reading it!

    • It is a daunting task, Loretta, and I now admire all of the authors who’ve written multiple books. And the ones who’ve written a series of books… I stand in awe. Thank you, sweet lady! I appreciate you so much. xoxox, Brenda

  22. “Shocking!” LOL! Compared to my life, most everything you’ve done is shocking, but fun to read about. Wishing you all the best Brenda. Can’t wait to read it.

    • Thank you, sweet friend! I’m excited. So much to do. Writing a book and getting it out into the world is like running one marathon after another. Love, B

  23. I’ve been anticipating this book from the first time that you told us that you were planning it!
    I would love to pre order it as soon as it is available.

    • I love hearing that, Norma!!! You will be the first to know when you can preorder it! Yes!!! Thank you! xoxox, Brenda

  24. Brenda I’m one of the male members of your fan club and I’m just as eager to read your book. Good going! Job well done!

    • Oh, thank you, Jackson. I appreciate the note and knowing you’re out there. More men reading my blogs than you would imagine, so I’m happy to hear from you. Best, Brenda

  25. Brenda I am beyond excited for you! I feel honoured to have been there when you started this part of your writing journey. I think of you often, and wondered how things were coming along. You have such an incredible story to tell, a story that needs to be shared. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. You can bet I will be on that list to get it as soon as it is ready!! Cynthia xo

    • Oh thank you Cynthia! I’m happy to hear from you. I’ve met the greatest people at writing retreats and continue to keep up with so many of them. I imagine you do as well. Tell me what’s happening with you? And your writing? I sincerely hope we’re able to spend time together again. xoxox, Brenda

  26. Dear Brenda – I read the fabulous news that you have a contract in hand! So exciting!! Bravo to you for all your hard work. Can’t wait to see it in print!!!! Much love, Lee

    • Thank you, Lee. You’ve walked this road with me, and steered me in the right direction again and again, and I’m grateful. Next will be your book! Love, love, love, Brenda

  27. Yay!! I am thrilled and have been praying. I just saw this good news and I can hardly wait to read it. I want to buy the first book! I know some of your stories and can’t wait to read more! You have lived an incredible (adrenaline filled at times) life and I know it will be a great read! Love you! Congratulations!!!

  28. I can’t wait to read your book! You are brave to be vulnerable enough to tell your story. I think it will encourage and uplift a lot of women who have gone through the hard things that life can bring. I am in that group and keep fighting every day to have a life that is rewarding, authentic, meaningful and beautiful. Thank you for all your insight and support!

    • Thank you, Kathy! I appreciate your comment. I think many of us have been through tough times and circumstances that were traumatic, and we keep them hidden inside and tell no one. I did. The takeaway from my memoir is I hope we never surrender our voice because it is the biggest source of our power. You mention that you “keep fighting every day” to have a good life. That makes me sad, but I get it because I’m doing the same thing, and it’s the best thing we can do. Here’s to tomorrow! May it be our best day! xoxox, Brenda

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