
I love the start of a new year.  Living up north, it’s usually cold and puts me in the mood to nest. Once all of the Christmas decorations are put away, it’s time to assess my home and see what needs organizing.

First and foremost, it’s usually my clothes closet that needs immediate attention. It’s a great time to purge clothes, shoes and purses that are worn out or no longer in style. It’s also a great time to assess what I need for the coming year.

Purging Your Wardrobe Like a Pro

The Closet Factory has great tips on how to Purge Your Wardrobe Closet Like a Pro. At the end of the entire purging process, every single piece in your closet should end up being something that you genuinely love to wear.

How to Color Code Your Closet

How to Color Code Your Closet

The Closet Factory also has a great article on How to Color Code Your Closet. It’s one of the best things I have done in my own closet. I first sort my clothes by type and then sort by color. It really helps in assessing what my options are when pulling an outfit together and makes it easy to find each item.

Closets that Inspire

Now for a little closet envy. Enjoy touring these gorgeous closets found on Houzz, one of my favorite decorating apps. Funnel that envy into inspiration to make the best of your own closet in the new year.

Do you any favorite tips on how you organize your closet?
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Elaine Parisi is the author behind OMG Lifestyle Blog. By trade she is a Commercial Realtor, a field she’s been in for over 30 years. Her creative side has helped in her real estate career. She’s assisted clients through major renovation projects, turning a simple building into a showpiece. Her blog name OMG Lifestyle Blog came from her famous saying “Oh My Gosh” or “Oh My God” when first seeing something special. She enjoys sharing these OMG worthy food, fashion, travel, décor and lifestyle posts to inspire her readers to make their life special. Elaine resides in Columbus, Ohio with her husband John.


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