Dear Friends,
I’m excited to say that today, you can Pre-Order my book, MAYA BLUE A Memoir of Survival. This day has been a long time coming, and I’m a bit overwhelmed and crying as I write this. Sobbing, actually.
I want you to know how much I value and appreciate you. So much so that I’ve dedicated my book to all of you.
Over the years, you’ve been the ones who’ve encouraged me to write a memoir. You’ve often told me you’re amazed and inspired by my life, and how I’ve managed to remain strong and upbeat in the face of so much loss. As Joyce Sullivan wrote in one of her comments, “You give me the courage to face and embrace the unknown and to know there is nothing I may face that can break me.” But you’ve known only a fraction of my story. You don’t know how I became strong and resilient.
Then there’s Esther Zimmer who left me a comment that was more on target than she possibly could have imagined: “If these are the stories you’re willing to share with us, what are the ones you haven’t told us?”
As you’ll read, dear Essie, there’s a lot I was keeping from almost everyone. Secrets that stayed buried in the back of my emotional closet until you helped me realize it was time to dig them up.

My story is a lot to take in. I get that. It’s far outside the parameters of norm, and much of it is shocking, and almost all of it is dangerous. Except for a handful of people, I kept it a secret until James Coffee, my late husband, came into my life, and I told him everything. All of it because it was time to let it go. Because James made me feel safe, something that up until then was only a word in the dictionary.
Writing MAYA BLUE A Memoir of Survival has helped me embrace the parts of myself I surrendered in order to be loved. The ones that allowed me to swallow my truth and the worst days of my life for fear of being judged. I’ve traveled a long road to get here, but I’m a woman who’s come home to herself, and I’m grateful to be here. Looking back, I’m amazed I survived any of it. I’ve written this book for every person who’s afraid to share their story for fear they won’t be believed and the shame they fear if they speak their truth. But I’m here to tell you, “No matter what. . . Never surrender your voice.”

Over the years, you and I have lifted one another up. You know I don’t have a history of selling you things, but I’m going to ask you to do something important for me.
Please click on this link and Pre-Order MAYA BLUE A Memoir of Survival and the 11 photographs inside.

If you’re wondering why I’m asking you to Pre-Order MAYA BLUE, you’ll be boosting my memoir in crucial ways no one but you can do.
- If there are enough Pre-Orders, Simon & Schuster will devote more time to selling my memoir to not just the big bookstores like Barnes & Noble but to the smaller indie bookstores as well. Right now, I’m an unknown commodity and must earn my stripes. That’s where you come in! Thank you, in advance. Thank you, thank you! xoxox
- If there are enough Pre-Orders, Amazon’s analytics will push my memoir further toward the top of Amazon’s book/memoir page, and I need that. Since my name is Coffee, right now, MAYA BLUE A Memoir of Survival, is lumped in with the dozens of coffee brands for sale on Amazon. LOL! Please rescue me from being obscured by the “mountain-grown, dark-roasted brews!”
- Pre-Orders will give my publisher an idea of how many initial books they need to print so purchasers don’t have to wait weeks to receive their copy.
- Pre-Orders will also get my memoir on the radar of book reviewers… Hopefully, you’ll be one of these reviewers.
Who knew there was such a detailed and regimented science to selling books? You can’t imagine everything I’ve learned.

- And lastly, please send this blog post to all of your friends and the people on your email list and ask them to Pre-Order MAYA BLUE A Memoir of Survival. With your help, and their help, and the help of their friends, we can tell the world that speaking our truth is the most valuable power we have, and with it, we can survive almost anything.
I hope my story gives voice to yours, but more than that, I hope it offers you strength.
I’ve waited so long to say, Today you can Pre-Order my Book! Yay!!! Please do it now before you forget! Thank you, and I love you!
Love you and honor you and thank you for sharing my hope I got from your hope.
Preordered !
Thank you, Joyce! Hope and empowerment are some of the positive things that define “What goes around, comes around.” It’s like they’re on a continuous Mobius strip that goes on and on. No beginning and no end. I inspire you. You inspire me, and the cycle starts all over again. Isn’t that wonderful? xoxox, Brenda
Preordered! I look forward to reading your book and passing it on.
I love you, Irene! Thank you so much!! xoxox, Brenda
Thank you for your courage in sharing this with us.
Carolyn, I’m grateful for you as a reader and a friend I’ve yet to meet, and I’m thrilled you’ve pre-ordered my book. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda
I pre-ordered your book. Love the title. The cover is intriguing. How exciting for you!
Thank you, Colleen. I appreciate you! Down the road, I’ll post some blogs about the story behind the title and the cover. They hold significant meaning for all of us. xoxox, Brenda
Preordered and marked my calendar for May 20, 2025!
Congratulations to you Brenda!
Alright! And it’s on your calendar! Thank you, Karen! I’m honored. xoxox, Brenda
Ordering now! I hate to wish time to fly, but I can’t wait until May!
I feel the same way, Lisa! But the days will fly by and May will be here before we know it. Thanks for ordering my memoir. I appreciate you… so much! xoxox, Brenda
Preordered! Can’t wait to settle in with this read.
Best to you, Brenda.
You’re a love, Debbie! Thank you, thank you! xoxox, Brenda
Amazing – bravo Brenda. I am late to the party, but I can’t wait to read your book.
Hi Gray, I think about you from time to time and wonder how you’re doing. Loss and grief are powerful things, and I address them in my memoir. xoxox, Brenda
Done and done! Can’t WAIT to read it!
Yes!! Thank you, Cynthia! I’m grateful to you. xoxox, Brenda
Ordered! Happy to help a sister❤️
I appreciate you, Wendy! What would we do without our sisters by blood or by choice. Thank you! xoxox, Brenda
Preordered. Looking forward to reading it.
You’re a love, Sharon! Thank you so much! xoxox, Brenda
Been waiting with bated breath for this. Thank you for this gift to us all, and congratulations!
Mark!! Every time a stranger knocks on my door, I expect them to say, “Chocolate milk,” and I’ll know it’s you. Thank you for pre-ordering. I think you’ll like it…. Please tell me you’re “that Mark.” If you’re not him, you’re going to think I’ve lost my mind. LOL! Brenda
Yes!!! Thank you, sweet friend! xoxox, Brenda
Preordered today. Wishing you great success in getting your story read
I appreciate you, your well wishes and your pre-order, Carolyn! Thank you! xoxox, Brenda
Oh I’m so excited!!! I preordered mine and I’m so proud of your amazing accomplishment in getting this done. Love you to the moon and back my friend!!’
Oh, girlfriend! Thank you! You’re the amazing one, and I stand pale in comparison. Love, love, love you, Brenda
My darling Jo!!! Thank you so very much! Sending you lots of love, Brenda
Done! I’m so excited for you Brenda and for all of us.
I’m excited as well, Arlo. It’s starting to feel real. Thank you for pre-ordering. xoxox, Brenda
Done!!!! I cannot wait to read it! May cannot come fast enough! Hug Annie for me ❤️
Thank you, Linda! I appreciate the gesture so very much. Sending hugs to you and your Annie! ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations! I pre-ordered via Kindle. Hope that counts…..
It does count, Paige, and thank you!! I’m grateful. With your help I may rise out of the boutique coffee beans yet! xoxox, Brenda
I want to wish you every success with your book. If your blog is any indicator, it will be a block buster!
Thank you, Virginia! That’s nice to hear. I cherish everyone who reads my blogs and leaves me comments. I’m grateful, and I’ve loved getting to know all of you. xoxox, Brenda
Yes – ordered. It will be coming to CANADA!
Oh my re what was happening on the hill!
CANADA! Yes! I hope it arrives with bows on it! Thank you, Rosemarie. I’m grateful. xoxox, Brenda
Fellow Texan here. Can’t believe we have to wait another 6 months to read the whole book. So anxious! Congratulations!!
Hello, Mizz Diana from Texas! Thank you! I know. Six months seems like a long time, but then I thought this day would never come. I had no clue about everything that comes with publishing and distributing a book through a big publisher, not self-publishing. There aren’t enough hours in the day to even keep up with what I should have done LAST month! LOL! xoxox, Brenda
Pre-ordered! I know that you have something to teach me.
Awe… That’s nice, Susan. I hope so. I learned a lot writing this book, mainly about me. Thank you for pre-ordering. xoxox, Brenda
Pre-ordered Brenda!! We’ve all waited a long time for this, and it looks like we’ll have to wait some more, but that’s okay. I’m excited for you and to read it!! Xo, Barb
Thanks, Barb! Part of me is trying to savor each step and not wish we could fast forward six months. I hope all of you like it. I do know it’s not what anyone expects. xoxox, Brenda
Congratulations Brenda!
Your baby had a long delivery, but the result is worth it! Can’t wait to read it!
LOL! Thank you Marika! It’s the labor that nearly did me in. I’ve been in labor since before Covid, and some days, I’m exhausted. Tell me how you are. Email me. Love, Brenda
Hi Brenda,
Oh, WOW, this is such a major and expensive accomplishment in your life. If you have some young family members and friends they will not have any regrets once they read your book because someday when you have passed to heaven they will not have any regrets that they did not know more about you. It’s such a gift to all of us that you have opened up yourself so we get to know the entire person. Give yourself a huge pat on the back for taking on such a huge project.
Your book has been ordered, my honey Barry ordered it for me this evening, now I have to be patient and wait till May rolls along. Love the cover, great cover, it looks like it’s turquoise.
My thanks to you and Barry, Katherine. You may be the first person who’s said I should give myself a pat on the back, so thank you for that as well. That’s very generous of you. Soon, I’ll tell you the story behind this cover. Think I already wrote how I rejected the first cover and designed this one myself, but the colors and the name of the book are significant. Blessings. xoxox, Brenda
Congratulations and pre-ordered! You have the courage and strength we all seek in our lives. May cannot come quick enough!
Love you for that, Donna! Thank you. I think we all have that courage and strength; we just need to tap into it. Easier said than done, I know, but actually, that’s the main message of my book. xoxox, Brenda
Hurray!!!! Celebrating this!! We’ve waited so long for this day, and I rejoice with you!! So happy for you and happy to pre-order. Hope it’s a great success. So proud of you! Well done, Brenda!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you, Beckye! You’ve always been my cheerleader and I appreciate that more than you know. Love, Brenda
Did not even read your post (yet)! Went straight to Amazon and ordered!
Kathy Howell
Wow! That’s great, Kathy! Thank you! I’m grateful. xoxox, Brenda
Going to Amazon to order now. x
I love you, Hilda! Thank you! xoxox, Brenda
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