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single women

— Relationships —

My friend and I when we were 23. I'd just won First Place at the Austin Spam-a-Rama with my 'Spam Wellington & Madera Sauce,' original recipe borrowed from Julia Child. I served it on a silver platter & was dressed in a short, French maid's outfit with black fishnets and high heels. We're eating Spamoni Ice Cream, which won Second Place. Photo by my first husband.
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The other day I had lunch with a dear friend I’ve known since college. He and my first husband and I travelled together on some of our Indiana Jones expeditions, digging for minerals and Mayan artifacts. He also knew—and disapproved of the boyfriend from Hell—but loved and respected my second husband. When I told my friend this was the first time—since I was 18—I don’t have a man in my life, he was surprised.

I think what surprised him most was that I wasn’t looking.

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