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When my friend, Tina, returned from Hong Kong, she brought me a gold drawstring bag and a tin full of candies. The bag is small and made from fabric worthy of a royal robe, but the tin is uninteresting and void of color. The candies are small and hard and wrapped in a waxy paper

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An advance review of my book, Maya Blue A Memoir of Survival, said my life and death survival instincts are

Can you believe it’s March already? Last week I thought the planets had fallen out of alignment, and now I’m

I’m beginning to think I missed something big on the news. Something catastrophic in nature—like perhaps the planets have fallen

Sometime yesterday, Dayle Haddon, age 76, supermodel, actress and advocate for the global education of girls, died due to suspected

This year, December 25th marks the date Christmas is celebrated and the day Hanukkah begins. It weighs heavy on my

When Christmas rolls around, I can’t help but think of my late husband, James, and the night he died on

Last week, the husband of one of my girlfriends died unexpectedly. I’ve been widowed twice, and I know from experience

My favorite thing about this blog post is the recent photograph of me and Annie, taken by my dear friend

How many of you think an author’s job is finished when they’re done writing their book? For the most part,

My apologies for not touching base in a while, but my summer’s been full of unexpected health problems like the

What do you think about romantic relationships between an older woman and a younger man? After my first husband died,

For longer than I care to think about, Tulum has been one of the favorite resorts of beach lovers and

All of you know how much I love my dog(s), Annie, and if you’re like me, this will tug at

This is the time of year when many of us make New Year’s resolutions to eat better and get more

This month I was going to share a number of my favorite things, but I decided it’s more important to

I’ve been offered a publishing contract for my memoir, and I’m over the moon. Publishers schedule books a year in

I’ve never been big on making New Year’s resolutions, but I believe the beginning of each new year is an

Welcome to the first edition of “Brenda Coffee’s Favorite Things.” With everything that’s happening in the world, I decided we